Willem Goedkoop
- Professor i miljöanalys – inriktning akvatisk ekologi (2007) .
- Docent i ekologi vid SLU (2000).
- FD i limnologi, Uppsala Universitet (1995). Avhandling: Microbial food resources for profundal zoobenthos in lakes.
Pågående forskningsprojekt
DAMFUN: Påverkan från vattenkraftsdammar på de ekologiska funktionerna mellan vattendrag och deras strandzoner (2024–2026, 3 MSEK, PI Richard K. Johnson.
INFORM-Hg: Ackumulering av kvivksilver i akvatisk-terrestra näringsvävar i nya våtmarker. (2020–2025, 4MSEK, funded by FORMAS, PI Karin Eklöf)
ARCWEB: Ecological change in Arctic/alpine lakes – Food web effects of ongoing climate-change induced oligotrophication (2021–2024, funded by FORMAS. PI = Danny CP Lau)
ARCTIC-BIODIVER: Scenarios of freshwater biodiversity and ecosystem services in a changing Arctic (2019–2022, 5 MSEK, funded by Biodiversa and FORMAS)
REFINE: ImpRoved assEssment oF climate impact and eutrophication in arctic/alpINE lakes (2020–2022, 5 MSEK, funded by the Swedish EPA)
Effects of large-scale, climate-mediated oligotrophication on the food webs of Arctic/alpine lakes, (2016–2020, 3 MSEK, funded by FORMAS, project lead Tobias Vrede)
FRESHBAR - WP2: Barcoding of freshwater taxa for improved assessment of biodiversity (5 MSEK, 2020–2022, funded by Swedish EPA, project lead Maria Kahlert)
CENTURION – Cumulative Effects of climate chaNge and culTUral eutRophicatION on aquatic ecosystems during the Anthropocene: towards the development of a novel paleolimnogical assessment method. Swedish EPA Research Council (5 MSEK, funded by the Swedish EPA, PI = Simon Belle)
Jag har följande uppdrag:
- Koordinator för SLU's miljöanalysprogram Fjäll/Arktis (sedan 2017)
- Svensk representant i och ledare för sötvattengruppen inom Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Porgram av CAFF (Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna, CAFF), Arktiska rådets biodiversitetsgrupp (sedan 2010).
- Ordförande i NJ-fakultetens kommittee för global utveckling
- Medlem i Naturvårdsverkets vetenskapliga råd för biologisk mångfald (sedan 2021).
Jag har varit huvudhandledare för 7 postdocs, 5 doktorander och 16 MSc-studenter, samt varit biträdande handledare för ytterligare 5 doktorander.
Publikationer i urval
Chaguaceda F, Lau DCP, Goedkoop W, Fadlaoui M, Lavoie I, Vrede T. 2024. Zooplankton in northern lakes show taxon-specific responses in fatty acids across climate-productivity and ecosystem size gradients. Limnology and Oceanography 69: 947–960.
Lau, DCP, Brua RB, Goedkoop W, Culp JM. 2023. Fatty-acid based assessment of benthic food-web responses to multiple stressors in a large river system. Environmental Pollution 337: 122598.
Lento J, Lau DCP, Brittain JE, Culp JM, Goedkoop W. 2023. Macroinvertebrate traits in Arctic streams reveal latitudinal patterns in physiology and habits that are strongly linked to climate. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11: 1209612.
Barry T, Behe C, Christensen T, Coon C, Culp JM, Fletcher S, Gill M, Goedkoop W, et al. 2023. Development of a multi-scale monitoring programme: Approaches for the Arctic and lessons learnt from the Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Programme (CBMP) 2002-2022. Frontiers in Conservation Science 4: 1220521.
McKie BG, Taylor A, Nilsson T, Frainer A, Goedkoop W. 2023. Ecological effects of mosquito biocontrol with Bti: Evidence for shifts in the trophic structure of soil- and ground-based food webs. Aquatic Sciences 85: 47.
Goedkoop W, Culp JM, Christensen T, Christoffersen KS, Fefilova E, Gudbergsson G, Lárusson KF, Liljaniemi P, Novichkova AA, Òlafsson JS, Sandøy S, Lento J. 2022. Improving the framework for assessment of ecological change in the Arctic – A circumpolar synthesis of freshwater biodiversity. Freshwat. Biol. 67: 210–223.
Lau DCP, Christoffersen KS, Erkinaro J, Hayden B, Heino J, Hellsten S, Holmgren K, Kahilainen KK, Kahlert M, Karjalainen SM, Karlsson J, Forsström L, Lento J, Mjelde M, Ruuhijärvi J, Sandøy S, Schartau A-K, Svenning M-A, Vrede T, Goedkoop W. 2022. Multitrophic biodiversity patterns and environmental descriptors of Arctic and sub-Arctic lakes in northern Europe. Freshwat. Biol. 67: 30–48.
Culp JM, Goedkoop W, Christensen T, Christoffersen KS, Fefilova E, Liljaniemi P, Novichkova AA, Olafsson J, Sandøy S, Zimmerman CE, Lento J. 2022. Establishing biodiversity baselines and trends and evaluating drivers of ecological change in circum-Arctic rivers and lakes. Freshwat. Biol. 67: 1–13.
Goedkoop W, Choudhury MI, Lau DCP, Grandin U. 2021. Inverting nutrient fluxes across the land-water interface – Exploring the potential of zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) farming. J. Environ. Management 281: 111889
Heino J, Culp JM, Erkinaro J, Goedkoop W, Lento J, Rühland KM, Smol JP. 2020. Abruptly and irreversibly changing Arctic freshwaters urgently require standardized monitoring. J Applied Ecol. 57: 1192–1198.
Bighiu, MA, Gottschalk S, Arrhenius Å, Goedkoop W. 2020. Pesticide mixtures cause short-term, reversible effects on the function of autotrophic periphyton assemblages. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 139: 1367–1374.
Bighiu, MA, Höss, S, Traunspurger W, Kahlert M, Goedkoop W. 2020. Limited effects of pesticides on stream macroinvertebrates, biofilm nematodes, and algae in intensive agricultural landscapes. Water Research 174: 115640.
Belle, S, Nilsson LJ, Tönno I, Freiberg R, Vrede T, Goedkoop W. 2019.
Climate-induced changes in carbon flows across the plant-consumer interface in a small subarctic lake. Scientific Reports 9: 17087.
Lau DCP, Vrede T, Goedkoop W. 2017. Lake responses to long-term disturbances and management practices. Freshw. Biol. 62:792–806.
Johansson KSL, Trigal C, Vrede T, van Rijswijk P, Goedkoop W, Johnson RK. 2016. Algal blooms induce shifts in basal food resources for consumers in boreal lakes – Evidence from fatty acid biomarkers. Limnol. Oceanogr. 61: 1563–1573.
Lau, DCP, Sundh I, Vrede T, Pickova J, Goedkoop W.
2014. Autochthonous resources are the main driver of consumer production in dystrophic boreal lakes. Ecology 95: 1506–1519.
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