
William English

Industrial doctoral student, focused on post-harvest questions and sugar beets. Industrial partner: NBR Nordic Beet Research Foundation.


My main research focus is the field storage of sugar beets, but incorporates harvest questions. Topics of current interest include: - thermodynamics and fluid dynamics of field stores - sugar beet mechanical properties - pressures in harvest and post-harvest storage and handling - crop physiology and quality - modelling of harvest and post-harvest systems.


Thesis working title: Best practice for long-term field storage of sugar beet under Nordic climate conditions.

Introduction paper*: Temperature in field stores of sugar beets – a review

Paper 1: A Computational Fluid Dynamic Model of a Sugar Beet Clamp.

Paper 2: Sugar Beet Storage Temperature with Different Cover Types

Paper 3: Impact factors on the tissue strength,damage susceptibility and storability of sugar beet. Lead from IfZ Göttingen, in collaboration with NBR Nordic Beet Research, Stichting IRS Netherlands, and IRBAB-KBIVB Belgium.

Paper 4: In-Season Texture Analysis Using a Handheld Penetrometer. In collaboration with NBR Nordic Beet Research, Stichting IRS Netherlands, IRBAB-KBIVB Belgium, and IfZ Göttingen Germany.

Paper 5: Using ventilation during storage for the drying and cleaning of sugar beets. 

* this paper is part of the course work component of the project and won’t be included in the thesis.

