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Data Management Support

SLU Data Management Support (DMS) assists SLU employees with data management - from planning, including data management plans, to publishing, long-term preservation, archiving and the reuse of research and environmental assessment data.

Recently published SLU data

SLU data in SND's research data catalogue, curated by DMS. All SLU data in SND's research data catalogue

  • Institutional networks and self-organized adaptation: Tracing the...

    This project, “Institutional Networks and Self-organized Adaptation”, examines the role of rural institutions and public support systems in shaping responses to shocks and stressors in rural India & Nepal during 2020-21. We include stressors related to COVID-19, climate, health, and other challenges identified by rural households. The data includes: - Village information on demographics, infrastructure, and natural resources - Village level institutions involved in livelihood support and...

  • Data for: Riparian buffers mitigate downstream effects of...

    This dataset was used for the paper "Riparian buffers mitigate downstream effects of clear-cutting on instream metabolic rates". Data includes modelled whole stream oxygen data and modelled oxygen data from bottle incubations of biofilms, all modelled to gross primary production and respiration. This manuscript is part of a larger project which aims at evaluating how current forest management practices effect ecological functions of headwaters. This specific dataset was collected to answer if negative effects of clear-cutting on streams also propagate to downstream reaches.

Published: 28 March 2025 - Page editor: dms@slu.se