Analytical expertise
The knowledge of pesticide determination in various environmental samples is absolutely essential to support the work of authorities and research within the area. Quality controls and continuous method evaluation over time are important in obtaining reliable results. Investments in personnel and equipment are prioritized to keep the Organic Risk Pollutants Laboratory in the analytical frontline.
Contact: Ove Jonsson (ove.jonsson@slu.se)
Environmental monitoring
SLU is responsible for the national environmental monitoring of pesticides in the environment at the instigation of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. The role of CKB is to provide opportunities for in-depth studies and assessments outside the scope of the ordinary monitoring and to make the results more accessible to different stakeholders.
Contact: Bodil Lindström (bodil.lindstrom@slu.se)
Biological effects
The link between concentrations of pesticides in the environment and their biological impacts remains unclear. These effects depend on factors such as the duration and timing of the exposure and the characteristics of water bodies. Organisms are also exposed to a number of substances simultaneously. By analyzing stream samples of epiphytic algae and benthic invertebrates, as well as through experimental approaches, we study how pesticides impact on aquatic communities and important ecosystem functions.
Contact: Alina Koch (alina.koch@slu.se)
Models integrate and generalise knowledge about the processes determining the dispersal of chemical pesticides in the environment. We develop models and risk assessment tools that are used by public authorities and other stakeholders. The MACRO model is, for example, used both in the registration of new products and for assessing the risks involved in using pesticides in water protection areas.
Contact: Nicholas Jarvis (nicholas.jarvis@slu.se)
Environmental fate of pesticides
We conduct field studies and experiments to improve understanding of the key transport pathways to the aquatic environment for substances of differing properties and under a range of agro-environmental conditions. This knowledge is needed to identify appropriate mitigation practices that are effective in reducing the environmental impacts of pesticides. This information is also used to support the further development of our risk assessment tools.
Contact: Mats Larsbo (mats.larsbo@slu.se)
Information and education
CKB makes the knowledge generated within the centre available and provides education, eg by organizing courses and workshops on the tools that are developed. CKB also compiles the knowledge of pesticides, more generally, makes it available to stakeholders and are organizing training courses in the area.
Contact: Mikaela Gönczi (mikaela.gonczi@slu.se)