Contact, 018 -67 1505
We work at the SLU Centre for Biological Control. Please contact us if you have questions about our business or would like to discuss research collaborations, orders or inquiries!
Maria's area of expertise is nematode ecology, in particular how these worms interact with plants (both crops and wild plant species) and other soil organisms. Read more about her research here.
Phonr: +4640-41 53 40
Department of Plant Breeding, SLU in Alnarp
Ramesh is interested in plant-microbe and microbiome interactions focusing on developing new and sustainable ways to improve plant yield and control diseases. He focuses on microbes and their effectors, including small RNAs that modulate plant traits.
Phone: +4618-67 24 50
Department of Ecology, SLU in Uppsala
Mattias is specialised in insects and arachnids for biocontrol. His research is mainly focused on conservation biological control of invertebrate pests in agroecosystems. Read more about his research here.
Phone: +4618-67 20 49
Department of Crop Production Ecology, SLU in Uppsala
Eirini's research focuses on community ecology, biodiversity and ecosystem functions. She is especially interested in the ecosystem function of weed seed predation and how to use it for sustainable weed control in agricultural fields.
Department of Plant Protection Biology, SLU in Alnarp
Chloë är intresserad av diversifieringen av agroekosystem för att stödja pollinatörer, naturliga fiender till skadedjur och de ekosystemtjänster som de tillhandahåller. Den här forskningen relaterar hon ofta till klimatförändringarna.
Phone +4670-337 90 02
Communications manager for CBC, SLU in Uppsala
Cajsa works as a communications manager for CBC. She has a background in ecological microbiology and is responsible for CBC's websites, presentation material and other communications., 018 -67 1505