Compute means or sums over variables
If you want to compute mean values or sums over different variables, i.e. row means and sums, you can use the functions sum and mean. Say you have a data set like this:
data weeksales;
input week monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday;
1 4 6 8 6 8
2 3 2 1 3 1
3 7 6 5 3 6
4 6 4 3 2 6
5 3 4 1 6 7
and you want to compute the sum or mean for each week:
data totalsale;
set weeksales2;
weeklysum=sum(monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday);
weeklymean=mean(monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday);
Or you can use the internal ordering of the variables:
data totalsale;
set weeksales;
weeklysum=sum(of monday -- friday);
weeklymean=mean(of monday -- friday);
Some functions that can be used over variables are
MAX(argument,...) returns the largest value
MIN(argument,...) returns the smallest value
MEAN(argument,...) returns the arithmetic mean (average)
N(argument,....) returns the number of nonmissing arguments
NMISS(argument,...) returns the number of missing values
STD(argument,...) returns the standard deviation
STDERR(argument,...) returns the standard error of the mean
SUM(argument,…) returns the sum
VAR(argument,...) returns the variance