ODS Graphics

Last changed: 06 January 2020

In the statistical procedures a lot of plots are generated automatically.

  • If you use the Results Viewer you should be able to see them immediately with your output. Some of the plots are always shown, others only on request. Use the plots=all command to see all plots.
  • If you use the Output window plots are only shown when ods graphics is active. See below how to activate it and how to request plots. The plots can be found on the left hand side (Results) in SAS. Doubleclick on the proc statement line to bring up undercategories.

Here are two examples. The first one uses the job data from the examples on categorical data and the other the water data from the example on continous data.

An example with a frequency table. For this you get one frequency plot. If you constuct frequecy tables with more variable and together with different measures there are additional plots provided.

ods graphics on;
proc freq data=jobdata;
table answer*job /plots=all;
ods graphics off;

An example using regression analysis. Here you get very many plots, the most important are probably the Fit Diagonstics:

ods graphics on;
proc freq data=jobdata;
table answer*job /plots=all;
ods graphics off;
