CRU symposium: "Influence of the metabolic environment and inflammation on reproductive tissues and embryos"

Last changed: 10 November 2021
  • Date: May 9th 2019
  • Location: VHC Ratatorsk


13h30 - 13h45   Welcoming participants

13h45 - 14h: CRU & Cell for Life presentation

14h – 14h30: The early embryonic micro-environment: Can in vitro models reflect the in vivo situation? Dr.  Jennifer Schön (Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN), Dummerstorf, Germany)

14h30 – 15h: How confounding factors associated with fat mobilization can affect reproductive tissues? Prof Peter Bols (University of Antwerpen, Antwerpen, the Netherlands)

15h -15h30: The impact of follicular environment on oocyte competence and embryo quality in dairy cows. Prof PLAM Vos (University of Utrecht)

15h30 - 15h45: Coffee break

15h45 - 16h15 : Diabetes mellitus in early Pregnancy: How does it affect uterine and embryonic metabolism? Prof Anne Navarrete Santos (Martin Luther University Faculty of Medicine, Halle, Germany)

16h15 - 16h45: Metabolic and inflammatory determinants of cytological endometritis in Holstein cows during the transition period. Prof Andres Valdman (Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tartu, Estonia)

16h45 - 17h15: Impact of LPS on the transcriptome and epigenome of bovine endometrial epithelial cells. Dr. Yongzhi Guo (Department of clinical sciences, SLU)


Centre for Reproductive Biology in Uppsala, CRU
P.O. Box 7054, 750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
Phone: +46 18-67 21 74 |