Project list 2017-2019
Last changed: 06 December 2023

Some of the projects below are financed together with other research funders
Ecology and plant protection of organic cropping systems, turnover and recycling of plant nutrients
- Cabbage insect pests - Chrysopidae family and flower strips as habitat management practices for control
- Cucumber powdery mildew - development of non-chemical greenhouse control methods
- Organic apple production – fertigation with organic nitrogen fertilizers
- Nightshade and hairy nightshade – control strategies
- Are we controlling perennial weeds too late?
- Half the surface tilled – a cropping system without heavy tillage, using row hoeing and undersown subsidiary crops
- The importance of insect pollination for field bean yield
- Swedish organic lentils – cultivation strategies for production of an attractive food crop
Optimisation of animal production systems
- Compact total mixed ration in organic dairy herds – does it improve animal welfare?
- Parasite intervention in organic sheep flocks
- Reduction of Campylobacter in organic meat-type chicken by feeding silage
- Organic broiler production – hybrids, outdoor range and mapping of problems and factors of success on commercial farms