SLU EkoForsk - Call for Applications 2019

Announcement of funding for organic field research takes place every three years. In 2019, the call opens on 15 March and closes on 6 May. Decisions on which projects will be awarded grants are made in December.
Project grants 2020-2022 are here
The call covers a total of approximately SEK 21 million, i.e., SEK 7 million per year for three years.
Projects can be one-, two- or three-years and are expected to be able to begin in the spring of 2020 provided that SLU is allocated funding for organic field research in the appropriation directions for 2020. Funds are granted only to projects where a SLU department has the main responsibility but collaboration with other actors is welcomed. The main applicant must have a PhD.
The members of the evaluation panel:
- Barbara Ekbom, chairman, the NJ Faculty, SLU
- Niels Andrésen, Organic Farmers Association
- Paul Becher, the LTV Faculty, SLU
- Ann-Marie Dock Gustavsson, The Board of Agriculture
- Anna Linnell, The Rural Economy and Agricultural Societies
- Nils Lundeheim, the VH Faculty, SLU
- Maria Wivstad, Centre for Organic Food and Farming, SLU
Applications for research funding to SLU Ekoforsk - processing of personal data
The evaluation panel and external reviewers take part of your personal data where they appear in CVs, publication lists and in other application documents. After archiving of the application documents, personal data is processed as described here.