Final reports

Projects with final reports during the last years are listed below. Most of them are written in Swedish but with a summary in English. The links goes to the project homepages where also annual reports and publications can be found.
Final reports 2024
Final reports 2023
Strip-till establishment of organic crops in withered cover crops
Final reports 2021
Cut fallow against couch grass
Are we controlling perennial weeds too late?
Swedish organic lentils (summary)
Reduction of campylobacter by feeding silage to organically produced broilers
Half the surface tilled – using row hoeing and under-sown subsidiary crops (summary)
Cultivation systems on organic arable farms – improvement of plant nutrient management
Does compact total mixed ration improve animal welfare in organic dairy herds?
Faba bean – the importance of insect pollination for yield
Lamb production – animal welfare through breeding
Chrysopidae family and flower strips as habitat management practices for control
Final reports 2020
Control strategies against Tussilago farfara - based on mechanical soil cultivation
Fertigation of apples with organic nitrogen fertilizers
Parasite intervention in organic sheep flocks
Combined biological control with microorganisms and biofumigation in tomato production
Final reports 2019
Functional botanical diversity – a path to robust cropping systems with aphids in focus
Final reports 2018
Automatic weighing as an animal health monitoring tool on pasture
Deep litter for sheep - plant nutrient value and comparison of bedding materials
Final reports 2017
Total mixed ration for dairy cows
Foot spray against digital dermatitis
Organic production systems in Northern highbush blueberries - part II
Final reports 2016
Optimization of protein supplementation in organic milk production
Better nutritional value of forage to milk and beef production
Alkylresorcinols in rye bran can be used against storage diseases in organic apple production
Final reports 2015
Yield stability in varietal mixtures of faba bean - updated 2016
Animal welfare in organic pig production - does leg health improve by change of sire breed?
Balanced fertilisation of tomatoes
Multifunctional cover crops for stockless farming systems
Final reports 2014
Pathways for roundworm infection on laying hen farms
Locally adapted cereal cultivars in organic farming for quality in production and product
Organic production systems for Northern highbush blueberries
Development of odor-based strategies for control of seed-eating weevils in clover seed production