List of projects 2002 - 2004
Last changed: 06 December 2023

Some of the projects below are financed together with other research funders
Turnover and recycling of plant nutrients
- Crop rotation with plant residues returned as biodigestate
- Ecology of the cultivation system ‒ green manure as a multifunctional "tool" in vegetable production
- Effects of surface pan breaking with tine cultivator in spring
- Evaluation of soil mixtures for organic production of nursery plants
- The dynamics of potassium in organic crop production ‒ with emphasis on leys
- Documentation of research stations/parks or farms with land under organic cultivation
- Documentation and participatory learning on organic farms
Ecology and plant protection of organic cropping systems
- Weed management in lupin and faba bean
- Ley seed production ‒ establishment and weed management
- Management of couchgrass by utilising plant competition and cutting
- Oilseed production ‒ stand establishment, weed control and strategies against volunteer oilseed rape
- Physical weed control in row-grown vegetable crops
- Soil cover with plastic in connection to sowing of row-cultivated crops
- Tuber growth and tuber yield in three different potato cultivars
- Quality bread grain ‒ high protein content through combination of preceeding crop and fertiliser
Optimisation of animal production systems
- Ecoswine ‒ a multidisciplinary research programme within organic pig production
- Faba bean intercropped with spring wheat as whole crop silage ‒ yield and fodder quality
- Faba bean and narrow-leafed lupin intercropped with cereals for grazing or whole crop silage
- Regulation of legumes by mixing different varieties of ryegrass with white clover for silage and grazing
- Intake of birdsfoot trefoil and white clover in growing heifers