List of projects 2005 - 2007
Last changed: 06 December 2023

Some of the projects below are financed together with other research funders
Turnover and recycling of plant nutrients
- Cultivation systems on organic arable farms – improvement of plant nutrient management
- The nitrogen mineralization process after application of organic fertilizers
- Nitrogen supply to organic winter oilseed rape
- Nitrogen fixation in clover-rich leys
- Residual effects of various systems for the use of green manure crops
The ecology and plant protection of organic cropping systems
- Development of organic ley seed production using participatory methods
- Ley seed production ‒ establishment and weed management
- Application technology of oil and soap for pest control in fruit and berry production
- Organic potato production ‒ investigation of new presprouting techniques to achieve faster emergence and tuber development
- Management of corky-root in tomato through the use of compost
- Weed control in organic farming ‒ a study of perennial sow-thistle
- Winter oilseed rape established in a living mulch of white clover
Optimisation of animal production systems
- Silage of faba beans/spring wheat to dairy cows
- Protein quality and fatty acids in seeds of hemp
- Organic poultry production ‒ optimisation of diets
- Dairy cows ‒ locally produced protein feeds and vitamin supply
- Dairy cows ‒ tanniferous forage for improved nitrogen efficiency