Project list 2014 - 2016
Last changed: 06 December 2023

Some of the projects below are financed together with other research funders
Ecology and plant protection of organic cropping systems, turnover and recycling of plant nutrients
- Apples – application of ARs in an organic apple orchard for protection against storage diseases (continuation of a project from 2011–2013)
- Couch grass – cut fallow to replace black fallow
- Functional botanical diversity: a path to robust cropping systems – with aphids in focus
- Fusarium in oats and spring wheat – variety and species mixtures for healthy crops with high quality
- Northern highbush blueberries – cultivation in tunnels (continuation of a project from 2011–2013)
- Pelleted fertilizer – optimal placement with regard to nitrogen use effeciency, weeds and grain yield
- Potatoes – development of new hybridization material for improved resistance to late blight
- Tomato production – combined biological control with microorganisms and biofumigation
Optimisation of animal production system
- Deep litter for sheep – plant nutrient value and comparison of bedding materials
- Foot spray against digital darmatitis – disinfecting with environmental-friendly hypochlorous acid as alternative to traditional foot bath with polluting copper sulphate or antibiotics
- Lamb production – animal welfare through breeding
- Livestock on pasture – automatic weighing as an animal health monitoring tool
- Piglet production – development of an organic production system where batch-wise group weaning is made possible by exploring the natural physiology of the sow
- Total mixed ration – an economic feeding strategy for organic farmers with automatic milking?