
19 million SEK in project support from SLU EkoForsk

Published: 03 February 2011

The research programme SLU EkoForsk has approved project grants for 2011–2013. Fifteen projects will share more than 19 million SEK. The largest allocation goes to Pekka Huhtanen and research on optimization of protein feed in organic milk production.

Five of the fifteen researchers who received funding previously held grants from EkoForsk, this is Lars Andersson, Birgitta Båth, David Hansson, Anneli Lundqvist and Eva Spörndly.

SLU EkoForsk started in 2002 and the aim is to improve the knowledge base for the development of plant cultivation, animal husbandry and fruit, berries and vegetable cultivation on open as well as in greenhouses. Projects must contribute to the development of a more sustainable production with respect to environment, animal welfare, resource management, yield levels and productivity.
