
Eleven European organic research projects

Published: 21 June 2011

CORE Organic II has decided to fund eleven transnational research projects on organic production. In four of these projects Swedish researchers are involved. Core Organic is part of ERA-NET, aiming to coordinate European research.

Softpest multitrap: Management of strawberry blossom weevil and European tarnished plant bug in organic strawberry and raspberry using semiochemical traps.
Swedish contact: Anna-Karin Borg-Karlsson, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)

HealthyHens: Promoting good health and welfare in European organic laying hens.
Swedish contact: Stefan Gunnarsson, SLU

ICOPP: Improved contribution of local feed to support 100 % organic feed supply to pigs and poultry.
Swedish contact: Magdalena Høøk Presto, SLU

SafeOrganic: Restrictive use of antibiotics in organic animal farming – a potential for safer, high quality products with less antibiotic resistant bacteria.
Swedish contact: Björn Bengtsson, national Veterinary Institute (SVA)
