SLU news – more local protein feed

Published: 24 May 2013

In mid-June will be launched. It is a website for sharing knowledge on cultivation of protein crops and feeding of farm animals, with 101 of the farmers' own best tips. Here you can share experiences and learn about the latest news on protein feed. On the site you can also advertise to buy or sell farm produced feed.

Nearly 60 per cent of all protein feed given to Swedish animals is imported. The Protein Tip is designed to make it easier to learn about and provide locally produced feed with the purpose to avoid import of grain and protein. In addition, the site may serve as a platform for contacts and new collaborations and knowledge exchange between farms.

Those behind the Protein Tip is Swedish Ecological Farmers Association, the Federation of Swedish Farmers and Växa Sverige, the same organizations that made the book "101 Protein Tips – farmers’ top tips for more Swedish protein feed." The site is for all farmers, regardless of production form.

Even now, before the launch, you can go into (in Swedish) and type in their ad and / or interest.
