SLU news

Announcement: Efficient and sustainable production systems

Published: 06 September 2013

Lantmännen's Research Foundation collaborates with The Research Council Formas and The Swedish Foundation for Stategic Environmental Research in a joint call for research funding. The program encompasses 68 million SEK over four years, the application deadline is October 31. The overall objective is to contribute to a more efficient, yet environmentally sustainable farming and breeding of plants and animals.

Central problems in the call are how to increase recycling, reduce environmental impact, improve animal welfare and make the processes within the production chain more effective. Focus is on the development of aquaculture, agriculture and horticulture in our part of the world, but in a global and societal holistic perspective.

Research projects should be transdisciplinary and implemented in coordination with all concerned stakeholders and sectors.

Projects may well be interdisciplinary and have a social science component. Projects that have a systemic approach involving cycles and the relationship between different forms of farming, not least between aquaculture and agriculture, are welcome.

September 2, 2013
Call opens

October 31, 2013
Application deadline. Applications are registered in Formas Direct.

November 2013 – February 2014
Evaluation of applications

March / April 2014
The funders make decisions
