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For researchers

Here you can find information on how to obtain grants and support for new research projects.

Support for new projects

Future Forests aims to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration and communication between researchers and the wider society. The goal of our projects is that the results shall be converted into practice or decision-making.

A small pine seedling. Photo.

Seed money

SLU Future Forests offers seed money to strengthen interdisciplinary forest research and sustainable development of forestry. Last date for applying is September 15.

Grants announcements

Here you will find information on current external and internal grants announcements, regarding research and environmental analysis.

Faculty newsletter

Subscribe to the forest faculty newsletter to stay updated on upcoming news and events. The newsletter is published monthly.

Sunset between trees. Photo.
Published: 28 August 2024 - Page editor: henrik.j.persson@slu.se

Emma Holmström, Program Director for Future Forests
emma.holmstrom@slu.se, 040-41 51 14

Henrik Persson, Communications Officer for Future Forests
henrik.j.persson@slu.se, 090-786 85 16, 076-126 73 22
