Socio-economic indicators of the forest sector in advancing the Swedish Environmental Goals

Last changed: 02 September 2022
Picture of a beech forest

This project aims to identify and measure socio-economic indicators for the forest sector and assess progress toward the Swedish Environmental Goals.

The Swedish forest sector contributes to the national economy creating revenues from the production and trade of pulpwood and timber products, supporting local employment, and maintaining cultural benefits. We identify and propose indicators that can gauge the socio-economic contributions toward advancing the Swedish Environmental Goals. Guided by the Montreal Process Criteria and Indicators framework for the Conservation and Sustainable Management of Temperate and Boreal Forests, we survey the literature and available data from relevant local and international institutional databases, and consult experts to identify, characterise and propose measurable indicators.

Examine the forest sector’s contributions

For each selected indicator, we examine the forest sector’s contributions, progress for the period of 2000 to 2020 (or when data are available), and the importance of the sector in national employment, energy consumption, and cultural aspects, among others. We identify challenges and opportunities for the sector’s prospective contribution to the advancement of the environmental goals.


Project period: 2021-2023
Project leader: Francisco Aguilar, SLU
Other participants in the project: Ronju Ahammad, SLU
Partners: SLU Future Forests and the Swedish Forest Damage Center
