Project duration: 2018-2022
Project leader:
Lotta Rydhmer, professor at the Department of animal breeding and genetics, SLU. Send e-mail to lotta.rydhmer@slu.se.
Other participants:
- Stanley Zira, doctoral student at the Department of animal breeding and genetics, SLU.
- Elin Röös, senior lecturer at the Department of energy and technology, SLU.
- Emma Ivarsson, senior lecturer at the Department of animal nutrition and management SLU.
- Ruben Hoffmann, researcher at the Department of economics, SLU.
- In the EU-projects SusPig and GenTore, researchers from Great Britain, Norway, USA, Australia, Switzerland, Denmark, Ireland, Germany, Poland, the Netherlands and Italy participate. The coordinator for GenTORE is Nic Friggens (INRA, France) and the coordinator for SusPig is Wendy Rauw (INIA, Spain).
Funding: SLU Future Food; the Department of animal breeding and genetics, SLU; the EU-project GenTORE (H2020) and SusPig (ERA-Net).