Cross-disciplinary Read & Reflect circle

Last changed: 04 June 2024
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Starting in August 2024, SLU Future Food has initiated a new cross-disciplinary read and reflect circle lead by the educator and facilitator Pernilla Glaser. The circle will host four occasions during the fall 2024 and welcomes colleagues from both SLU and Uppsala University.

The ambition with the reading circle is to give the participants a space for reflection as well as new perspectives and practices for creativity and understanding that can inspire and infuse their own work.

We will share and discuss texts on crises, response, and collaboration in the light of today’s complex global challenges to support each other’s understanding and practices and explore where they intertwine. How can reading and reflecting across experiences and disciplines help our understanding of a time that offers little hope? What are possible and useful positions when the space for action and change is so challenged?

Selected parts of texts that we explore will be provided by the researchers that host this circle as well as by facilitator Pernilla Glaser, and will span research, popular science, poetry, and fiction. In the circle there will be a variety of formats for discussion and playful examination of the meaning and impact of the texts.

The circle includes four sessions with different focuses. The circle is hosted by Pernilla Glaser in collaboration with researchers Per Sandin and Marie Stenseke from SLU and Claudia Teutschbein from Uppsala University.

The circle is inspired by the similar reading circle Future Making Academy organized by the research platform Collaborative Future Making at the School of Arts and Communication at Malmö University in collaboration with Forum for Social Innovation Sweden, and with the help of Pernilla Glaser.

Read more about the event in autumn 2024 here: Cross-disciplinary Read & Reflect circle on hard facts and soft hope