The mission

Last changed: 15 February 2023

The climate challenge requires changes in all sectors of society. In order for universities and colleges to be able to contribute in the best way to a reduced climate impact, a framework has been developed.

We see the climate as a crucial and prioritized future issue and undertake the following:

  • We will continue to contribute to society being able to achieve set goals through education, research and collaboration.
  • We will reduce our own climate impact in line with society's commitments, as expressed in national and international agreements.
  • We will set far-reaching goals for climate work and also allocate resources, so that we can achieve these goals and make follow-ups.
  • We will clearly communicate our climate work to inspire and spread knowledge to other actors and to members of society.

The climate framework consists of this document and a guide, which, among other things, describes a number of key areas for the climate impact of the higher education sector. With the help of this guidance, each higher education institution will select areas where they set goals and implement measures based on their own respective conditions. 

However, everyone who joins the Climate Framework should be prepared to work with goals linked to the following areas: education, research, collaboration, business travel, energy use and student collaboration, as they are considered central to all higher education institutions.

The goals




The climate network will benefit all higher education institutions in the country and aims to:

  • make it easier for higher education institutions to fulfil their part of the Paris Agreement
  • strengthen collaboration, learning and exchanges between higher education institutions in the climate area with a particular focus on influencing the entire sector
  • catalyze new perspectives and ideas on how higher education institutions can contribute to the climate transition through research, education and collaboration, and through reduced climate footprint from the higher education institutions' own activities, and
  • make good examples available to higher education institutions and other actors outside the higher education sector.

The Swedish higher education sector is large and includes just over 54,000 employees and just under 400,000 students. This means great opportunities to reach many and thus affect a large part of Sweden's government sector. The UN's global goals are important in the transition work and this project is strongly linked to several of the goals, not least goal number 7 "Sustainable energy for all" and number 13 "Combat climate change".


Förväntat resultat av SUHF:s klimatnätverk:

  1. Forskningsbaserade rekommendationer, riktlinjer och praxis i linje med Parisavtalet, vilka används och upplevs relevanta.
  2. Mätbart minskade utsläpp av CO2e från högskolesektorn.
  3. Förbättrade och mer standardiserade mätmetoder.
  4. Ökad integrering av hållbarhet i utbildningarna.
  5. Att vi har utvecklat vårt samarbete och löser frågor tillsammans.




The Climate Framework


Anna-Karin Johnson, Communicator
SLU Meny
0511-671 93