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Integrated Monitoring

The International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems (ICP IM).

The aim of ICP IM is to monitor the ecological effects of atmospheric pollutants. By doing this, reliable data is obtained that can be used in environmental assessment, modelling, and decision-making. The integrated monitoring of ecosystems refers to simultaneous measurement of the physical, chemical, and biological properties of an ecosystem. This is done over time, across compartments, and at the same locations. ICP IM monitors the effects of atmospheric pollutants such as nitrogen, sulphur, tropospheric ozone, heavy metals, and persistent organic substances. The comprehensive long-term data is also important for observing ecosystem impacts of climate change.

The Air Convention

The Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution.


Find out what data we have and how to access it.

Meetings and activities

Past and upcoming meetings and activities.


Reports, peer-reviewed studies, and other publications based on IM data.

Books in a book shelf in the SLU-library. Photo.


Head of Programme Centre: James Kurén Weldon. E-mail James

Co-Chair: Salar Valinia. E-mail Salar

Co-Chair: Ulf Grandin. E-mail Ulf

Data submissions and requests: im-database@slu.se

Published: 15 April 2024 - Page editor: vattenmiljo-webb@slu.se