ICP IM data

Last changed: 10 June 2024

The ICP IM database contains data on the variables in the ICP IM Monitoring manual.

The core dataset comprises 48 monitoring stations. The longest time series has data from 1979, while most other series date back to the second half of the 1990's.

Data management is carried out at the ICP IM Programme Centre at The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, in Uppsala, Sweden.

The following countries have continued data submission to the ICP IM database during the period 2016–2020: Austria, Belarus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, the Russian Federation, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.

The number of sites with ongoing data submission for at least part of the data years 2015–2019 is 48 from fifteen countries. Sites from Canada, Latvia, and United Kingdom only contain older data.

The data in the IM database

The IM monitoring protocol consists of 24 sub programmes, some mandatory others optional. Here is a summary of the content of the database, and the length of our time series (pdf).

Data submission

Data should be submitted by e-mail to the data management team at the ICP IM Programme Centre, through the National Focal Points in each member country. Deadline for data submission is decided at the annual Task Force meeting.

Data Requests

We are currently transitioning to offering open data under a CC BY license, but until that process is compete you are welcome to access our data by request. To do so, please submit a request stating which parameters or subprogrammes, locations, and periods you are interested in, to im-database@slu.se.