LIFE+ MOTH Final Conference

Last changed: 03 November 2017

Final conference of our LIFE+ project MOTH (Monitoring of terrestrial habitats, LIFE08 NAT/S/0000264), November 11–12, 2014 in Uppsala, Sweden.

Four years ago we initiated the work in LIFE+ MOTH and it was now time to share our experiences. The aim of the project has been to develop and demonstrate methods that will improve the habitat assessment required in the reporting process of the European Habitat Directive. One session focused on data collection and presented our two novel two-phase sampling designs; a more general type of terrestrial habitat inventory based on combining interpretation of aerial images in a point-grid design together with field sampling, and a sea-shore habitat inventory using a two-phase line-intercept methodology. Another session dealt with estimations and results; how to combine data from different sources and case-studies showing results used in the Swedish Article 17 reporting. The last session was more prospective and focused on future potential projects and methods. Included in the program were also presentations from invited speakers that will give supplementary views of habitat assessment in Sweden and other countries. The speakers presentations:

Abenius, J. - Future vision for the Swedish EPA

Abenius, J. - The Swedish EPA - Our remit and organization

Adler, S. - MOTH - Combining survey data

Adler, S. - MOTH - Demonstration of an integrated North- European system for monitoring terrestrial habitats using two phase sampling

Allard, A. - MOTH - Inventory by Aerial Interpretation in MOTH

Eide, W. - MOTH - Assessment of alpine habitats in Sweden

Gardfjell, H. - Challenges in sampling sparse habitats

Gardfjell, H. - Coverage and distribution of high value forests

Hagner, Å. - MOTH - Background and motivation

Hagner, Å. - MOTH - Seashore inventory

Hurford, C. -  Is Liparis loeselii a ‘typical species’?

Jonsson, BG. - The art of providing numbers

Olsson, H. - Use of remote sensing in habitat monitoring

Sniedze-Kretalova, R. - The Habitat monitoring in Natura 2000 sites in Latvia

Ståhl, G. - Welcome to the LIFE+ MOTH final conference

Westra, T. - Monitoring design for Natura 2000 habitats in Flanders

The Final conference was arranged at Clarion Hotel Gillet in Uppsala November 11-12, 2014. The final program may be found here.


Hans Gardfjell, Analyst
Department of Forest Resource Management/Division of Landscape Analysis, SLU, 090-786 82 41, 070-620 17 06

Åsa Hagner, Coordinator
Department of Forest Resource Management/Division of Landscape Analysis, SLU, 090-786 82 18, 070-376 00 28