Sampling design

Last changed: 16 January 2025

To be able to inventory both common and uncommon nature types within the same framework, a common sampling design has been developed for NILS inventories of alpine areas, deciduous forests, grasslands and seashores. When delivering data from our inventories, we strive for high data quality, robust statistical foundation for data collection, and results that meet the required standards, such as accuracy of estimations. The challenge of achieving these goals for both common and uncommon nature types within the same framework urged the development of a new sampling design.


When we deliver data from our inventories, we want the quality of the data to be high, that the statistical basis for data collection is robust and that the results we present meet the requirements demanded, e.g. in terms of the accuracy of estimates. The challenge of being able to achieve these goals for both common and rarer habitat types within the same framework started our work to develop a new sample design.   

The fundamental principles of the common sampling design are described here. How the sampling design has been modified for each inventory is described in their respective sections. 

The need for a modern sampling design 

One great benefit of environmental monitoring is when it can provide long time series that indicate how a phenomenon has changed over time. However, this poses several challenges, including changes in the phenomena of interest over time, their locations (so we cannot only follow places where they currently exist), and the constantly technological advances. To ensure that our new inventories contribute to long-term time series in the future, we need to ensure that they are adaptable to changing conditions and requirements. This is where our new sampling design comes into play, offering the flexibility needed to address changing needs and conditions. 

A general framework that can be adapted according to the rarity of a nature type. 

The flexibility of the sampling design is crucial today as our inventories must provide data on both common and relatively uncommon nature types. . In order for us to be able to report results regionally, such as for the continental region, the same system can also be used to apply denser sampling as needed.  

The NILS inventories of alpine areas, deciduous forests, grasslands, , and seashores all follow the same basic principles of the sampling design. In a first step, a sample of tracts is selected, and in a second step, sample plots or intersection points are selected for field visits based on remote sensing. In addition to a two-step design, the sampling design incorporates several other statistical methods that, when combined, create a flexible, long-term, and sustainable inventory methodology. These methods have been used in previous in various inventories. The new is that we are integrating them within the same design.  

Strength of the Design 

Two-step inventory. The utilization of remote sensing as a basis for selecting field plots in a two-step process enhances the cost-effectiveness of the inventory. Plots that do not contain the sought-after phenomena are identified using remote sensing and do not need to be visited in the field. As a result, this allows us to use large and dense sampling to inventory rare nature types. Furthermore, it also allows us to continuously develop and improve our inventory as new remote sensing techniques and methods are developed without negatively impacting our inventory, as it is included as part of our sampling design. 

A balanced selection of sample units (tracts) ensures that the sample are representative. 

A coordinated selection of sample areas increases the lifespan of the inventories. 

A hierarchical design where sparse samples are subsets of denser samples. The hierarchical design provides flexibility and scalability, allowing for easy selection or combination of sample densities based on needs and budget. 



Adler, S., Christensen, P., Gardfjell, H., Grafström, A., Hagner, Å., Hedenås, H. och Ranlund, Å. 2020. Ny design för riktade naturtypsinventeringar inom NILS och THUF. Arbetsrapport 513. Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning, Umeå. 

Adler, S., Hedenås, H., Hagner, Å., Ranlund, Å. och Christensen, P. 2022. Utvärdering av NILS fjällinventering 2021. Arbetsrapport 532. Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institution för skoglig resurshushållning, Umeå. 

Ranlund, Å., Grafström, A., Brown, A., Hedenås, H. & Levin, G. 2023. Chapter 4. Designing monitoring systems. In. Allard, A., Keskitalo, C.H. & Brown A. (reds). Monitoring Biodiversity Combining Environmental and Social Data. Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003179245-4 

Ranlund, Å., Sjödin, M., Press, A., Gardfjell, H., Hedenås, H., Hagner, Å., Forsman, H., Christensen, P., Andersson, M. och Adler, S. 2021. Metodbeskrivning: 2020 års inventeringar av gräsmarker och lövskogar Arbetsrapport 530, Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning, SLU, Umeå. 


Henrik Hedenås, Program Manager
Department of Forest Resource Management/Division of Landscape Analysis, SLU, 090-786 86 41

Hans Gardfjell, Analyst
Department of Forest Resource Management/Division of Landscape Analysis, SLU, 090-786 82 41, 070-620 17 06

Anton Grafström, Senior Lecturer/Responsible for Subject Area
Department of Forest Resource Management/Division of Forest Resource Analysis, SLU, 090 786 82 33