
Last changed: 16 January 2025

Ekstrom M, Sandring, S, Grafstrom, A, Esseen, P-A, Jonsson, BG, Stahl, G. 2020. Estimating density from presence/absence data in clustered populations. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11:3. DOI:

Hedblom, M., Hedenås, H., Blicharska, M., Adler, S., Knez, I., Mikusiński, G, Svensson, J., Sandström, S., Sandström P. & Wardle D.A. 2019. Landscape perception: linking physical monitoring data to perceived landscape properties. Landscape Research. DOI:

Egelkraut, D., Aronsson, K-Å., Allard, A., Åkerholm, M., Stark, S. & Olofsson, J. 2018. Multiple feedbacks Contribute to a Centennial Legacy of reindeer on Tundra Vegetation. Ecosystems, Open access.

Ann-Helen Granholm, Nils Lindgren, Kenneth Olofsson, Mattias Nyström, Anna Allard & Håkan Olsson (2017) Estimating vertical canopy cover using dense image-based point cloud data in four vegetation types in southern Sweden, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 38:7, 1820-1838, DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2017.1283074

Hedenås H, Christensen P, Svensson J. 2016. Changes in vegetation cover and composition in the Swedish mountain region. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 188:452.

Esseen P-A, Hedström Ringvall A, Harper KA, Christensen P, Svensson J. 2016. Factors driving structure of natural and anthropogenic forest edges from temperate to boreal ecosystems. Journal of Vegetation Science 27: 482-492. 

Ann-Helen Granholm, Håkan Olsson, Mats Nilsson, Anna Allard, Johan Holmgren, 2015.The potential of digital surface models based on aerial images for automated vegetation mapping. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 36, Iss. 7, pp. 1855-1870. DOI:1080/01431161.2015.1029094

Gao T, Nielsen AB, Hedblom M. 2015. Reviewing the strength of evidence of biodiversity indicators for forest ecosystems in Europe. Ecological Indicators 57. 420–434

Ramezani, H, Holm, S. 2015. Sample-based estimation of “contagion metric” using line intersect sampling method LIS. Landscape Ecol Eng 11:239-248.

Lindgren, N.; Christensen, P.; Nilsson, B.; Åkerholm, M.; Allard, A.; Reese, H.; Olsson, H. Using Optical Satellite Data and Airborne Lidar Data for a Nationwide Sampling Survey. Remote Sens. 2015, 7, 4253-4267.

Gao, T., Hedblom, M., Emilsson, T., Busse Nielsen, A. The role of forest stand structure as biodiversity indicator. Forest Ecology and Mangement 330.82-93

Hedblom,M.. Heyman, E., Antonsson,H., Söderström, B. 2014. Birdsong diversity influences young people´s appreciation of urban landscapes. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening

Christensen, P. and Hedström Ringvall, A. 2013. Using statistical power analysis as a tool when designing a monitoring program: experience from a large-scale Swedish landscape monitoring program. Environmental monitoring and assessment, Vol.185 (9), p.7279-7293

Hedblom, M. and Söderström, B. 2012. Effects of urban matrix on reproductive performance of Great Tit (Parus major) in urban woodlands. Urban Ecosystems. 15:167–180.

Ortega, M, Metzger, M.J., Bunce, R.G.H., Wrbka, T., Allard, A., Jongman, R.H.G. &  Elena-Rosselló, R. 2012. The potential for integration of environmental data from regional stratifications into a European monitoring framework. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 5: 39-57.

Normander, B., Levin, G., Auvinen, A-P., Bratl, H., Stabbetorp, O., Hedblom, M., Glimskär. A. and Gudmundsson G.A. 2011. Indicator framework for monitoring biodiversity change in the Nordic countries. Ecological. Indicators. 13.1. 104-116. 

Hedblom, M., and Mörtberg, U. 2011. Characterizing Biodiversity in Urban areas Using Remote Sensing. Book chapter in Urban Remote Sensing: Monitoring, Synthesis and Modelling in the Urban Environment. Ed. Xiaojun Y. Wiley and Blackwell. ISBN: 978-0-470-74958-6.

Ramezani, H., Svensson, J. & Esseen, P-A. 2011. Landscape Environmental Monitoring: Sample Based Versus Complete Mapping Approaches in Aerial Photographs. I Ekundayo (red): Environmental Monitoring, s. 205-218. InTech.

Jeglum, J., Sandring, S., Christensen, P., Glimskär, A., Allard, A., Nilsson, L. & Svensson, J. 2011. Main Ecosystem Characteristics and Distribution of Wetlands in Boreal and Alpine Landscapes in Northern Sweden Under Climate Change. I: Grillo & Venora (red.), Ecosystems Biodiversity, s.193-218. InTech.

Ståhl, G., Allard, A., Esseen, P.-A., Glimskär, A., Ringvall, A., Svensson, J., Sundquist, S., Christensen, P., Gallegos Torell, Å., Högström, M., Lagerqvist, K., Marklund, L., Nilsson, B., & Inghe, O. 2011. National Inventory of Landscapes in Sweden (NILS) - scope, design, and experiences from establishing a multiscale biodiversity monitoring system. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 173: 579-595.

Ramezani, H., Holm, S., Allard, A. & Ståhl, G. 2010. Monitoring landscape metrics by point sampling: accuracy in estimating Shannon's diversity and edge density. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 164: 403-421.

Allard, A., Glimskär, A., Svensson, J. and Christensen, P. 2010. Monitoring Landscape and Vegetation in the Swedish NILS-program. I: Bryn, A., Dramstad, W. and Fjellstad, W, (red.), Mapping and Monitoring of Nordic Landscapes, Conference Proceedings, Viten fra Skog og landskab, 2010:1, s 5-8.

Svensson, J., Allard, A., Christensen, P., Eriksson, Å., Esseen, P.-A., Glimskär, A. & Sandring, S. 2009. Landscape biodiversity monitoring in the Swedish NILS program. XIII World Forestry Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Gallegos Torell, Å. & Glimskär, A. 2009. Computer-aided calibration for visual estimation of vegetation cover. Journal of Vegetation Science 20: 973-983.
