How to communicate One Health to children

Last changed: 08 September 2022
A child looking at ducks. Photo.

Many children, and their parents, lack the basic knowledge about how to minimize risks for disease transmission when visiting farms and petting zoos. The National Veterinary Institute of Sweden has in a project, where one of the collaborators is the youth organisation 4H of Sweden, developed a range of applications to communicate One Health.

The project has, for example, produced a film and interactive games to inform, not only about hygiene, biosecurity and antimicrobial resistance, but also about respect for animals and nature.

The training package can be used for different ages, either in full or in separate parts. Some material is translated into other languages (English, Arabic, Tigrinyan, Dari and Somali).

All material is free to download but if preferred some can be ordered from the National Veterinary Institute of Sweden (SVA).

Download the material at (currently only in Swedish): Pedagogiskt material.