Report regulated pests

Last changed: 03 June 2024
A beetle with a shiny red body and unfolded wings sits on a green leaf. Photo.

If you suspect an attack by a quarantine pest, you are obliged to report it to the Swedish Board of Agriculture by filling in a report form. Here you will also find more information about new and regulated plant pests.

Quarantine pests

Lists of all quarantine pests and information about some of them can be found at the Swedish Board of Agriculture. More information about various quarantine pests in the world can be found on the EPPO Global Database.

Plant pests that already exist in Sweden

Do you want to know more about the plant pests we already have in forestry and agriculture in Sweden? Take a look at the links below!

  • Do you have questions about forest pests? Take a look at SLU Skogsskada.
  • Växtskyddsnotiser – Factsheets about plant protection written mainly by researchers at SLU
  • Växtskyddsfaktablad – Here you can order the fact sheets Växtskydd-trädgård and Fakta Trädgård-fritid.