Aquaculture from SLU in media

Last changed: 10 January 2025
SLU researcher Markus Langeland gives a presentation, behind him you see a power point image on full screen. Photo.

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We document aquaculture-related content from SLU in media. You can find a selection of interviews, reportage, and articles in our archive below. Missing some interesting aquaculture news? You are most welcome to tip us!

A selection of seminars, interviews, reportage and news articles with our SLU aquaculture researchers

Videos and podcasts


Pod episode on aquaculture


Circular feed makes Swedish rainbow trout green

Video: Harvest of reed and farming of mussels for animal feed – a measure to improve the Baltic Sea

Reed in the nutrient-rich Baltic Sea are growing like never before. In this video Anders Kiessling, professor in aquaculture, talks about the research that he and his colleagues are involved in, to develop new knowledge about how underutilized resources in the Baltic Sea, such as reed and mussels, can be used as feed for animals. At the same time harvest of reed and farmed blue mussels can benefit the sensitive Baltic Sea ecosystem.


Podcast: Landet #105 Hållbart foder - nyckelfråga för att svensk fiskodling ska kunna växa

Interview about sustainable fish feed with Markus Langeland, SLU, Linda Falk-Wigdén, Matfiskodlarna and Olle Lerche Raisioaqua AB, recorded during the National Aquaculture Conference in Åhus.


Video: Aquafresh - farmed fish as an excellent product for Swedish cuisine

Watch the videos - three different versions (in English):

Podcast: About slaughter of fish and the welfare in the water

Listen to the podcast from Almedalen, produced by SLU Future Food and their podcast: Feeding your mind. You can also watch the broadcast on Facebook here. 


Podcast: Landet #31 Ett litet stort livsmedel – fiske och vattenbruk

Veronica Andrén, Anders Kiessling and Ola Öberg discuss the role of aquaculture in Swedish food production in a podcast about fisheries and aquaculture. 

Interviews, reportage and news articles


Fiskmjölsfabriker hotar en hel yrkesgrupp med tusentals senegalesiska kvinnor

Radio broadcast: Larvodlingens fördelar: Bättre ekonomi och livskraftigare fisk

TV interview: Svenska flodkräftan är nära utrotning: Akut hotad

Article in Extrakt: Flodkräftan måste odlas för att ha en chans

Press release: SLU invests in sustainable fish farming with support from the Kamprad Family Foundation

Radio broadcast: Matfiskodlarna: Fiskforskning kan ge mer svenskodlat på tallriken

Radio broadcast: Forskare hoppas håva in ny kunskap om fiskodling i Norrlands inland


News article: Insects are rejected as human food - become sustainable fish feed

Magazine article: Aquafresh - how to control the taste of farmed fish/hur man styr smaken på odlad fisk


Radio interview: Great opportunities to increase the proportion of farmed fish in Sweden

Radio interview: Development and current situation within fish farming as well as the choice of future feed


Read the article in BIODIVERSE: Musslor i Östersjön - mat med mervärde

New data from three large EU studies show that mussel farms in the Baltic Sea has a great potential to contribute to reducing eutrophication, while at the same time creating conditions for a circular economy. Written by Anders Kiessling, SLU. 

TV4-interview: Fiskodling på land: En framtid som är intressant för Sverige

A news report/video followed by an interview with professor Anders Kiessling, SLU. 


Radio interview: Musslor returnerar näringen från Östersjön

Skärgårdsradion in collaboration with Hållbara Hav on Båtmässan "Allt för Sjön 2016" in an interview with Anders Kiessling, SLU. 

Recorded seminars and lectures


Integrated fish and plant production

There is a growing interest in combining fish and plant production, either direct in aquaponics systems or by utilizing waste from fish farms as fertilizers in plant production in fields, tunnels or greenhouses. During this webinar, current knowledge is presented and what is needed to strengthen integrated fish and plant production in Sweden is discussed.

Organisers: SLU Aquaculture and SLU Partnership Alnarp.


Sustainable from north to south - four webinars on aquaculture

The webinar series Sustainable from the North to the South look into different production methods, challenges and opportunities for Swedish aquaculture.

Organisers: SLU Aquaculture, Landsbygdsnätverket, SWEMARC and Nationellt Kompetenscentrum för Vattenbruk.

#1 - Aquaculture in symbiosis with the agricultural landscape

Date: 2020-09-09
Speakers: Anders Kiessling, SLU and Johan Ljungquist, Gårdsfisk.

  • If you are interested in watching the recording of "Aquaculture in symbiosis with the agricultural landscape", you can contact (in Swedish, and the recording is not subtitled, total play time: 60 minutes, the lecture starts after 2:43 minutes).

#2 - Sustainable fish feed of the future

Date: 2020-10-14
Speakers: Markus Langeland, SLU and Friederike Ziegler, RISE.

  • If you are interested in watching the recording of Sustainable fish feed of the future, you can contact (the webinar is in Swedish, the recording is not subtitled, total play time: 60 minutes, the lecture starts after 3:56 minutes).

#3 - Fish farming in the northern cultural landscape

Date: 2020-11-04 
Speakers: Anders Kiessling, SLU and Pär Byström, Umeå University.

  • If you are interested in watching the recording of Fish farming in the northern cultural landscape, you can contact (in Swedish, the recording is not subtitled, total play time: 60 minutes, the lecture starts after 2:35 minutes).

#4 - Land-based RAS produces more Swedish-farmed fish

Date: 2020-11-18
Speakers: Joel Oresten, Smögenlax and Kristina Snuttan Sundell, University of Gothenburg.

  • If you are interested in watching the recording of Land-based RAS produces more Swedish-farmed fish, you can contact (in Swedish, the recording is not subtitled, total play time: 60 minutes, the lecture starts after 2:42 minutes).

Seminar: Fish welfare at slaughter - Problems and possible solutions

The organization Djurens rätt arranged a seminar with the aim of contributing to increased knowledge, understanding, inspiration and tools for positive change within the fish industry. Participants: Researchers at the Swedish University of Agriculture, Norwegian research institute SINTEF, and representatives of the aquaculture industry (Matfiskodlarna), the Swedish Board of Agriculture and the Norwegian Food Authority (the Norwegian Board of Agriculture).

Seminar: Aquafresh - Odlingsfaktorer som påverkar smak

The presentation was given at an aquaculture conference arranged by Swedish Board of Agriculture and with the aim to disseminate results from projects funded by the National Food Strategy for Sweden. 


Course in aquaculture: An overview of farming systems and species in Sweden - a future perspective

Seminar: Does sustainably farmed fish exist – and if so, can you label it?

SLU Aquaculture together with SLU ekologisk produktion och konsumtion, arranged a lunch seminar and discussion about fish farming and sustainability certifications.

Course in aquaculture: Animal welfare based on the industry guidelines Odlad med omtanke

Seminar in Almedalen: Farming in water – a key to sustainable Swedish food production? 

Anders Kiessling, SLU-professor in aquaculture and Cecilia Lalander, SLU-researcher in Environmental Engineering gave an introduction to the subject and presented ongoing research at SLU. Follow-up discussion with following participants; Åsa Domeij, head of sustainability at Axfood, Andrea Giesecke, project manager at Torsåker gård, Axfoundation and Knut-Olof Lerche, head of development at Raisioaqua AB.

Seminar: Integration of Agriculture and Aquaculture – a key concept for future food production?

KSLA Wallenberg Professor Barry Costa-Pierce gave a lunch seminar arranged by SLU Future Food and SLU Aquaculture. 


Course in aquaculture: Permits and environmental issues


Lecture: FishBase Symposium, "Aquaculture the missing link in circular production systems

Anders Kiessling, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, gave a lecture on this topic.

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