Join the SLU Breeding Network

Last changed: 08 May 2024

The SLU Breeding Network is a collaboration between all four faculties at SLU and aims to strengthen and display current research in the field of breeding at SLU and to increase the interaction between research and education.

Everyone at SLU can join the network!

When you join the network, you will be invited to seminars and workshops and receive our newsletter, which is sent out 2-4 times a year.

Partners outside SLU are very welcome to be part of the sending list for our newsletter, where activities of external interest will also be advertised. 

As a researcher at SLU, you will also be listed on an e-mail list where you keep track of everything that happens within animal and plant breeding at SLU and which you can also use yourself to share information.

Sign up!

Sign up with the button below to join the network. Welcome!

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SLU Breeding Network

Rodomiro Octavio Ortiz Rios (chair)
Department of Plant Breedig, Alnarp

María Rosario García Gil, (vice chair)
Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology, Umeå

Anna Maňourová (coordinator)
Department of Plant Breeding, Alnarp