All calendar events SLU Breeding Network
Friday, 28 February
Towards sustainable spring wheat cultivation: enhancing nitrogen use efficiency through strategic breeding
Lorena de Jesús Guardia Velarde defends her thesis "Towards sustainable spring wheat cultivation:... -
Sunday, 15 June to Friday, 20 JuneGenetics and breeding
TRACE 2025 – Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology
The international conference “TRACE 2025 – Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology” wi... -
Tuesday, 06 May to Wednesday, 07 May
SLU Breeding Network meeting
Meet colleagues in the SLU Breeding Network - get to know each other, your research topics, mingl... -
Thursday, 20 February
Virus yellows of sugar beet – exploring pathogen diversity and host resistance Groundwork for resistance breeding
Vinitha Puthanveed defends her thesis "Virus yellows of sugar beet – exploring pathogen diversity... -
Thursday, 20 March
Thematic group meeting - SLU Partnership Alnarp
SLU Partnership Alnarp's network for members , students and researchers at SLU in Alnarp gathers ... -
Thursday, 27 February
The Goods and Bads of Green Marketing in Food Systems
How are terms like "organic,” “local,” and “eco-friendly” communicated and understood differently... -
Wednesday, 05 February
The Interdiscliplinary Academy - Inspirational webinar
Welcome to an inspirational lunch webinar about the call for new applicants to the Interdisciplin... -
Wednesday, 15 January
The call for the Interdisciplinary Academy – Q&A session and match making
Welcome to a lunch webinar about the call for new applicants to the Interdisciplinary Academy (ID... -
Thursday, 21 November
Genetic improvement of bananas for East Africa
Violet Akech, Department of Plant Breeding, defends the thesis "Genetic improvement of bananas fo... -
Wednesday, 04 December
Nordic perspectives on Soil Health - an exploratory interdisciplinary workshop
The concept of Soil Health is gaining traction in the scientific literature and media coverage as... -
Wednesday, 20 November to Thursday, 21 November
Saturday, 19 OctoberGenetics and breeding
UPSC Open House
On Saturday, 19th of October between 13:00 and 16:00 o’clock, we at Umeå Plant Science Centre wil... -
Tuesday, 08 October
Friday, 30 AugustGenetics and breeding
Webinar: History meets breeding - How many genomic selection populations do we need in Scandinavian forest trees?
PhD student Maria Del Pilar Herrera Egoavil presents the latest news from her research project... -
Friday, 14 June
Gene editing for increased tuber protein utilization in potato (Solanum tuberosum)
Martin Friberg, Department of Plant Breeding, defends the thesis "Gene editing for increased tube... -
Friday, 31 May
Exploring the genetic toolbox for climate-resilient spring wheat : drought impact on yield, breadmaking quality, nutritional value and toxicity
Lan Yuzhou defends the thesis "Exploring the genetic toolbox for climate-resilient spring wheat:... -
Friday, 24 May
Phenotypic and genetic diversity in wild and domesticated timothy and related Phleum species Implications for breeding
Yousef Rahimi defends his thesis "Phenotypic and genetic diversity in wild and domesticated timot... -
Tuesday, 21 May to Friday, 24 May
Third Advanced Bioinformatics Workshop
The third Advanced Bioinformatics Workshop is organised in Uppsala, Sweden; Bari, Italy; Athens,... -
Friday, 26 April
Advancing red clover breeding through genomic selection methods
Johanna Osterman, Department of Plant Breeding, defends the thesis "Advancing red clover breeding... -
Tuesday, 17 September
Eight months in IDA – Where did it take us?
During this seminar, the two groups from SLU’s Interdisciplinary Academy (IDA) 2023-2024 will... -
Friday, 05 April
Aphanomyces root rot in pea Genomic insights into pathogen diversity and disease resistance
Carol Kälin defends her thesis "Aphanomyces root rot in pea Genomic insights into pathogen... -
Friday, 12 April
Genetics of new phenotypes of pregnancy loss in dairy cattle
Patricia Ask Gullstrand defends her thesis: Genetics of new phenotypes of pregnancy loss in dairy... -
Tuesday, 28 MayGenetics and breeding
Workshop on plant breeding and methods
Friday, 08 March
Kvinnomaraton - Symposium for women in research
Are you a female researcher interested in meeting other female researchers to network and discuss... -
Wednesday, 17 April
The call from the Interdisciplinary Academy – Q&A session and match making
Welcome to a lunch webinar about the call for new applicants to the Interdisciplinary Academy (ID... -
Wednesday, 06 March
The call from the Interdisciplinary Academy – Q&A session and match making
Welcome to a lunch webinar about the call for new applicants to the Interdisciplinary Academy (ID... -
Friday, 01 March
Modulation of the glycoalkaloid biosynthesis pathway in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) and development of CRISPR/Cas9 methodology for tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
Ying Liu, Department of Plant Breeding, defends the thesis with the title "Modulation of the... -
Friday, 23 February
Determination, characterisation and combination of novel resistance genes to stripe and stem rust in wheat
Rimsha Ashraf, Department of Plant Breeding, defends the thesis "Determination, characterisation... -
Wednesday, 06 March
Thematic group meeting - SLU Partnership Alnarp
SLU Partnership Alnarp's network for members , students and researchers at SLU in Alnarp gathers ... -
Wednesday, 07 February
Dairy cattle mating plans at herd level using genomic information
Christian Bengtsson defends his thesis: Dairy cattle mating plans at herd level using genomic... -
Friday, 04 March
Aggregation of gluten proteins: from wheat seed biology to hydrogels
Joel Markgren försvarar sin avhandling “Aggregation of gluten proteins: from wheat seed biology t... -
Friday, 02 February
Webinar: an introduction to remote soil sensing
Would you like to learn more about remote sensing of soils? This webinar will introduce you to th... -
Thursday, 18 January
Webinar: an introduction to proximal soil sensing
Would you like to learn more about proximal sensing of soil? This webinar will introduce you to... -
Tuesday, 12 December
Research on winemaking under climate change
Join us to hear international experts on grape production in a changing climate. Hear about the... -
Wednesday, 13 December
Nutritional profiling, SNP-based genomic tools development for population genetic analysis and genotype-by-environment interaction in noug (Guizotia abyssinica (L.f.) Cass.)
Sewalem Tsehay Wondim, department of Plant Breeding, defends the thesis "Nutritional profiling,... -
Friday, 17 November
Improving and predicting storability of Swedish apples with IAD and improved storage conditions
Joakim Sjöstrand, department of Plant Breding, defends the thesis "Improving and predicting... -
Thursday, 02 November
Monday, 30 OctoberGenetics and breeding
Climate adaptation of forest trees for an uncertain future
SLU and Skogforsk have the pleasure of inviting researchers to “climate adaptation of forest tree... -
Friday, 06 October
Biostimulant potential of agro-industrial side-streams - sustainable sugar beet cultivation and drought tolerance in wheat
Okanlawon Lekan Jolayemi, Department of Plant Breeding, defends his thesis with the title... -
Thursday, 21 September
Monday, 27 November to Tuesday, 28 November
Workshop with the SLU Grogrund project HeRo - Healthy Roots
Discover the future of Swedish agriculture: join us at an upcoming workshop on root-based selecti... -
Thursday, 15 June
Novel Methods for Resistance Breeding in Winter Wheat
Mustafa Zakieh, department of Plant Protection, defends the thesis "Novel Methods for Resistance... -
Tuesday, 05 September
Symposium dedicated to millets
The United Nations General Assembly has declared 2023 the International year of millets: "Millets... -
Friday, 26 May
Lunch and mingle during Thesis Day 2023
Thesis Day is a day when SLU celebrates the students' academic achievements. Thesis Day consists ... -
Friday, 05 May
Developing affordable high-throughput plant phenotyping methods for breeding of cereals and tuber crops
Fernanda Leiva, department of Plant Breeding, defends her thesis "Developing affordable... -
Friday, 28 April
Wheat quality under a climate spell : a focus on protein, physico-chemical and growth characteristics evaluated by innovatively combined approaches
Sbatie Lama, department of Plant Breeding, defends her thesis "Wheat quality under a climate spel... -
Wednesday, 24 May to Thursday, 25 May
Crop protection futures in agriculture
Crop production is the vital basis for our food system, but the current set up is highly dependen... -
Friday, 14 April
Licentiate seminar: Sandra Bonow
Sandra Bonow defends her thesis: Breeding of Swedish Warmblood horses towards specialization in... -
Friday, 31 March
Apple genomics for the Swedish breeding programme
Jonas Skytte af Sätra, Department of Plant Breeding, defends his thesis "Apple genomics for the... -
Wednesday, 15 March
Evaluation and release of East African highland cooking banana ‘Matooke’ hybrids”
Noel Madalla, department of Plant Breeding, defends his thesis “Evaluation and release of East... -
Tuesday, 17 January
Landscape Breeding: A new paradigm in forest tree management
This webinar is part of a seminar series from the SLU Breeding Network that will be running at th... -
Friday, 09 December
Genome editing of oilseed species by CRISPR/Cas9 for trait improvement
Sjur Sandgrind, defends his thesis “Genome editing of oilseed species by CRISPR/Cas9 for trait... -
Tuesday, 13 December
Phylogenetic studies of Elymus s.s. L. (Poaceae): plant systematics as a prerequisite for efficient conservation and utilization
Jonatan Leo, institutionen för växtförädling, defends his thesis “Phylogenetic studies of Elymus... -
Friday, 16 December
Bolivian tomatoes: genetic diversity, quality traits and value chains
Evelyn Elizabeth Villanueva Gutierrez defends her thesis “Bolivian tomatoes: genetic diversity,... -
Thursday, 17 NovemberGenetics and breeding
Genome Editing of Rapeseed using CRISPR/Cas9 for Reducing Antinutritional Compounds in the Seed Cake
Oliver Moss , Dept of Plant Breeding will give his half-time seminar -
Monday, 05 December
World Soil Day 2022: ”Soils, Where food begins”
Agricultural soils are the foundation of our food supply. But to keep our soils capable of... -
Thursday, 20 October
Thursday, 06 October
Friday, 02 DecemberGenetics and breeding
SLU Grogrunds workshopserie – Methods in Modern Plant Breeding – Product Quality
Friday, 11 NovemberGenetics and breeding
SLU Grogrunds workshopserie II – Methods in Modern Plant Breeding - Phenotyping
Friday, 14 OctoberGenetics and breeding
SLU Grogrunds workshopserie II – Methods in Modern Plant Breeding – Plant Breeding
Wednesday, 28 SeptemberGenetics and breeding
Workshop on the possibilities of rapeseed
Students at SLU and Lund University are invited to a workshop focusing on the possibilities of... -
Thursday, 29 September
Wednesday, 26 October
Plant Breeding – The key to food security and improved foods
In honour of the 2022 Bertebos Prize Laureate, Professor Rodomiro Ortiz, the Royal Swedish Academ... -
Monday, 30 January
Introduction to the Biotron in Alnarp
Ramesh Vetukuri from the Department of Plant Breeding gives a lunch seminar with the title... -
Friday, 02 September
Seminar for Leif Andersson: Genetics of phenotypic diversity
Our senior advisor, professor Leif Andersson will retire from SLU this summer and we want to... -
Thursday, 02 June
Inducing novel resistance gene in wheat towards stem rust to improve food security.
Mahboobeh Yazdani, Dept. of Plant Breeding, SLU -
Thursday, 12 May
Establishment of a DNA-free genome editing and protoplast regeneration method in cultivated tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
Ying Liu, Dept. of Plant Breeding, SLU -
Tuesday, 23 August to Wednesday, 24 August
Breeding at SLU - internal workshop
A workshop to enhance collaboration of breeding researchers at SLU. There will be research... -
Thursday, 28 April
Healthy harvests in a changing climate
Welcome to a webinar with focus on plant health and nature-based solutions in a global perspectiv... -
Friday, 25 March
Effective population sizes of structured populations - a mathematical overview
A lecture by Ola Gerton Henrik Hössjer from Stockholm University. -
Thursday, 09 December
Monday, 22 November
Friday, 03 DecemberGenetics and breeding
SLU Grogrunds workshopserie – Methods in Modern Plant Breeding - Genome Editing
Friday, 12 NovemberGenetics and breeding
SLU Grogrunds workshopserie – Methods in Modern Plant Breeding - Genomic Selection
Friday, 08 OctoberGenetics and breeding
SLU Grogrunds workshopserie: Methods in Modern Plant Breeding - Association Mapping
Thursday, 21 October
Unify breeding at SLU
A one day kick-off workshop for everyone working with breeding at SLU. The aim is to strengthen t... -
Friday, 28 May
Resistance breeding for healthy crops
Diseases on crops cause economic losses due to reduced yields and quality. Pesticides (if existin... -
Thursday, 06 May
Workshop: How can we establish fish health as a research area at SLU?
Knowledge about fish health is crucial for sustainable aquaculture production of farmed fish as... -
Tuesday, 16 March to Wednesday, 17 March
Multidisciplinary Collaboration for Precise Food Science Development
A workshop organized by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and the Internation... -
Tuesday, 11 May
SLU Grogrund - The network
SLU Grogrund - The network gathers via Zoom for a seminar with project presentation and discussio... -
Tuesday, 16 March
SLU Grogrund - The network
SLU Grogrund - The network gathers via Zoom for a seminar with project presentation and discussio... -
Tuesday, 13 April
SLU Grogrund - The network
SLU Grogrund - The network gathers via Zoom for a seminar with project presentation and discussio... -
Tuesday, 09 February
SLU Grogrund - The network
SLU Grogrund - The network gathers via Zoom for a seminar with project presentation and discussio... -
Wednesday, 18 November
Welcome to the associate professor lectures at the VH Faculty 2020
Welcome to the Autumn Docent Lectures at the VH-faculty, November 18, 2020 via Zoom -
Friday, 04 December
Dissertation: Towards a sustainable tilapia breeding program in Tanzania
Redempta Athanas Kajungiro defends her thesis "Towards a sustainable tilapia breeding program in... -
Monday, 26 October
Half time seminar Stanley Zira
Stanley Zira, PhD student at the Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics will give his half-ti... -
Friday, 30 October
Dissertation: Canine inherited retinal degenerations - a model for visual impairment in humans
Suvi Mäkeläinen defends her thesis "Canine inherited retinal degenerations - a model for visual... -
Tuesday, 06 October
Welcome to the associate professor lectures at the LTV Faculty 2020
The 6th of October, associate professor lectures will be held at the Faculty of Landscape... -
Friday, 07 MayGenetics and breeding
Seminar: Skogsträds- och växtförädlingens roll i klimatpolitiken
Friday, 29 May
Dissertation: A dive into the coral microbiome
Hadrien Gourlé defends his thesis "A dive into the coral microbiome". -
Wednesday, 06 May
Tuesday, 05 May
Modern plant breeding – use of precision tools to meet the need of sustainable and healthier crops
The docent lecturer is tekn. dr. Mariette Andersson, department of plant breeding at at the Facul... -
Tuesday, 19 May to Wednesday, 20 MayGenetics and breeding
CANCELLED: The 5th Annual Animal Welfare Science Symposium 2020
THIS SYMPOSIUM HAS BEEN CANCELLED Welcome to the 5th Annual Animal Welfare Science Symposium whic... -
Wednesday, 19 August to Thursday, 20 August
Postponed: Unifying SLU plant breeding to meet future challenges
A SLU-intern workshop to enhance cooperation and future research of plant breeding at SLU. We wil... -
Wednesday, 06 May to Thursday, 07 MayGenetics and breeding
CANCELLED: Final Conference of Mistra Biotech
Mistra Biotech is a research programme focusing on the use of biotechnology in crop and livestock... -
Friday, 20 March
Dissertation: Genomic variation and molecular mechanisms of the host response to gastrointestinal nematodes in small ruminants
Hadeer Aboshady defends her thesis "Genomic variation and molecular mechanisms of the host respon...