Research is an important part of the work of SLU Forest damage centre. It contributes new knowledge about forest damage and forest pests. With research we create opportunities for preventing and managing forest damage in the Swedish forest.
Current calls for proposals
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Our projects
In the drop-down menus, you will find the projects within the SLU Forest Damage Centre.
Projects 2024
Methodological development in monitoring
- Next step in the development of new digital bark beetle traps - Simon Kärvemo, department for ecology.
- Estimating moose dung pellet density in young pine stands using UAV-based multispectral imaging - Lukas Graf, department of Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre.
- Potential short-term effects of thinning on drought stress mitigation - Amanda de Castro Segtowich, department of Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre.
- New digital traps to facilitate monitoring and research of the spruce bark beetle - Simon Kärvemo, department of Ecology.
- Monitoring risk for crown fire on remote sensing data - Inka Bohlin, department of Forest Resource Management.
- More efficient counting of bark beetles in our monitoring program - Mats Jonsell, department of Ecology.
- From NFI data to cervid food estimates, bridging the gap amid research on dwarf shrubs and practice - Laura Juvany, department of Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre.
- Early drought stress detection in trees using high time resolved water potential measurements - Leonie Schönbeck, department of Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre.
- Assessing Dutch Elm Disease and Ash Dieback within the NILS inventroy - Henrik Hedenås, department of Forest Resource Management.
- Realtime pollen and spore- detection with AI and DNA within two national monitoring networks - Karl Lundén, department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment
Projects 2023
Research projects
- Forest companies advice and services to non-industrial private forest owners regarding forest damage - Tomas Kronholm, Department of Forest Biomaterials and Technology.
- Damage caused by Lophodermium and other pine needle diseases in clear-cut free regimes: risks, uncertainties and implications for forest management - Mikolaj Lula, Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre.
- Boring against biodiversity: how is damage of the pine shoot beetle Tomicus piniperda affecting biodiversity benefits of prescribed burning? - Therese Löfroth, Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies.
- Data collection for developing remote sensing of forest drought damage - Langning Huo, Department of Forest Resource Management.
- A comparison of nursery and SE-seedlings in continuous cover and clear-cut forest regeneration sites - Adriana Puentes, Department of Ecology.
- Surveying pest damage and insect biodiversity of Swedish forests: a metabarcoding approach - Donnie Peterson, Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre.
- Evidence-based damage data and models for continuous cover forests (EDAMC) - Jeanette Eggers, Department of Forest Resource Management.
Projects 2022
Research projects
- Reproductive success of the spruce barkl beetle during different outbreak phases - Martin Schroeder, Department of Ecology
- There is always two sides of the coin? Bark beetle outbreaks and promotion of biodiversity - Simon Kärvemo, Department of Ecology
- Ungulate grazing, habitat structure, and predation pressure on pest insects - Michelle Nordkvist, Department of Ecology
- Predicting susceptibility for attack by Spruce bark beetle – validation of the susceptibility index - Maartje Klapwijk, Department of Ecology
Forest Biomaterials and Technology
- Non-industrial private forest owners' knowledge and views on management of multi-damaged forest - Thomas Kronholm, Department of Forest Biomaterials and Technology
- Effect of climate change on the potential importance of invasive blue stain fungi on wood quality - Geoffrey Daniel, Department of Forest Biomaterials and Technology
Forest Ecology and Management
- Assessing drought tolerance and foliar fungal diversity in Scots pine planted stands - Rosario García Gil, Department of Forest Ecology and Management
- A new model to predict and breed for spring frost damage - Rosario García Gil, Department of Forest Ecology and Management
Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology
- Fast sexual/asexual form identification and population diversity investigation of Cronartium pini - Ke Zhang, Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology
- Breeding-without-breeding a new tool in seed orchard management for improved C. pini resistance? - Malin Elfstrand, Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology Resistance screening method for Scots pine blister rust - Berit Samils, Institutionen för skoglig mykologi och växtpatologi
- Identification of risk factors behind the current outbreaks of Cronartium pini in northern Sweden - Berits Samils, Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology
- Infection biology and management of emerging diseases in tree seedling production - Audrius Menkis, Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology
- Plants for planting – Plant health in production storage and planting - Åke Olson, Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology
Forest Resources Management
- Developing and implementing a drought index in Heureka - Jeanette Eggers, Department of Forest Resources Management
- Forest damage sampling simulator - Anton Grafström, Department of Forest Resources Management
- MoMoMo: Moose Damages in Heureka – Models, Monte Carlo simulation and Robust Optimization - Lars Sängstuvall, Department of Forest Resources Management
- Joint modelling of forest damages using presence-absence data - Cornelia Roberge, Department of Forest Resources Management
- “Flying tree healthy analyser”: drone-based hyperspectral imagery for early detection of bark beetle infestation - Langning Huo, Department of Forest Resources Management
Forest Economics
- Coping with forest damages: evidence and adaptation strategies - Francisco X Aguilar, Department of Forest Economics
School for Forest Management
- Development of alternative measures to control liverworts infections during seedling cultivation and storage - Daniel Gräns, School for Forest Management
Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre
- Implementing Monte Carlo based random storm generator in Heureka Decision Support System - Narayanan Subramanian, Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre
- Modelling of forest fuel and weather effects on fire spread in Southern Sweden (FF-SPREAD) - Igor Drobyshev, Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre
- Testing seed treatments to reduce damage by pathogenic fungi in conifer seeds - Iva Franic, Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre
- Electronic root rot detection - Iryna Matsiakh, Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre
- Safeguarding Scots pine using nanopore sequencing for the detection and diagnosis of pathogens - Patrick Sherwood, Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre
- Browsing repellents for protecting Scots pine in northern Sweden - Urban Nilsson, Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre
- Rädda Asken: breeding for resistance in European ash - Michelle Cleary, Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre
- Samband mellan klövviltets täthet, deras foder och betesskador i produktionsskogen - Annika Felton, Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre
Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies
- Pest management and forest biodiversity in the selection system - Therese Löfroth (Adam Ekholm), Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies
- Can continuous cover forestry reduce the risk of damage by forest pests and browsing ungulates? - Anne-Maarit Hekkala, Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies
- Future Yields- impacts of browsing on stand structure, forest growth and revenue in forestry - Fredrik Widemo, Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies
- Landscape utilization of large and long-lived herbivore in multifunctional forestland - Wiebke Neumann, Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies
- Considering Uncertainty in Forest Management Planning
Irene de Pellegrin Llorente, Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning
- Forest Change detection with Google Earth
Engine Rubén Valbuena, Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning
Data structuring
- Making data from the long term monitoring of spruce bark beetle available - a work of restructuring datafiles
Mats Jonsell, Institutionen för ekologi
Expert support
- Expert support to authorities, forest organisations and private forest owners about the spruce bark beetle
Martin Schroeder, Institutionen för ekologi
- Breaking new grounds in Forest pathology
Nils Högberg, Institutionen för skoglig mykologi och växtpatologi
Study trips
- Research visit to FGI for “Flying tree healthy analyzer”: dronebased hyperspectral imagery for early detection of bark beetle infestations
Langning Huo, Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning
Projects 2021
Research projects
Species Information Centre
- En generell mobil inrapporteringsmodul för systemet 'Skogsskada' - Holger Dettki, epartment of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies.
- Preparation for long term contribution to the Forest Damage Centre at Ecology - Maartje Klapwijk & Adriana Puentes, Department of Ecology.
- Utvärdering av systemet SkogsSkada och alternativa systemlösningar - Mats Jonsell, Department of Ecology.
- Expertstöd och övervakningsinsatser kopplat till pågående barkborreutbrott - Martin Schroeder, Department of Ecology.
- Långsiktig övervakning av granbarkborre - Mats Jonsell, Department of Ecology. 2020, 2021, 2022
- Övervakning av granbarkborrens förökningsframgång i dödade träd - Martin Schroeder, Department of Ecology.
- Förekomst av fiender till granbarkborre i skyddade områden och produktionsskog - Simon Kärvemo, Department of Ecology.
- Vilka bestånd och ståndorter är mest utsatta för angrepp av granbarkborre - Maartje Klapwijk, Department of Ecology.
- Effekten av bekämpningsmetoden Sök och Plock på granbarkborrens fiender - Martin Schroeder, Department of Ecology.
- Monitoring of prioritized biotic pests and pathogens –pilot study with a proposal for long-term monitoring - Maartje Klapwijk, Department of Ecology.
Field-based Forest Research
- Pilot study-trapping of black bark beetle (Hylastes) from fresh and one-year old clearcuttings - Charlotta Erefur & Kristina Wallertz, Unit for Field-based Forest Research.
- Spormonitoring vid de skogliga försöksparkerna - Charlotta Erefur, Unit for Field-based Forest Research.
- Pest management and forest biodiversity in selection systems - Charlotta Erefur & Adam Ekholm, Unit for Field-based Forest Research.
- Förstudie och analys av kunskapsläget angående skaderisker i olika skogsskötselsystem och tillhörande ekonomiska jämförelser - Charlotta Erefur, Unit for Field-based Forest Research.
Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology
- Ecotypic variation of tradeoffs between growth and defense: The role of lignin and associated metabolites in Scots pine and Norway spruce - M Rosario García-Gil, Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology.
Soil and Environment
- Soil properties related to forest damage - Johan Stendahl, Department of Soil and Environment.
Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology
- Review and workshop on conifer resistance breeding - Malin Elfstrand & Berit Samils, Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology.
- Collection of ash dieback-tolerant ash material for research and restoration - Rimvis Vasaitis, Audrius Menkis & Jan Stenlid, Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology.
- Forest regeneration: nursery diseases - Åke Olson & Audrius Menkis
Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology.
- “Stress biology” – Interactions between Diplodia sapinea and Melampsora pinitorqua on pine - Jan Stenlid, Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology.
- Comparative genomics analysis of pathogenicity traits in Russulales - Mikael Brandström Durling, Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology.
- Assembly of knowledge and tentative recommendations on conservation of high nature conservation values after damages - Anders Dahlberg, Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology.
- Detection and monitoring of airborne fungal spores - Åke Olson, Audrius Menkis & Karl Lundén, Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology.
- Review on forest pests and diseases from the east - Rimvis Vasaitis, Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology.
- Multiskadad skog - Jan Stenlid, Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology.
- Molekylär övervakning av svampskadegörare, förstudie - Åke Olson, Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology.
Skogens biomaterial och teknologi
- Systemanalys av drivningsarbete vid bekämpning av granbarkborre - Björn Edlund & Thomas Norfjell, Institutionen för skogens biomaterial och teknologi.
- Effect of climate change on the potential importance of invasive blue stain fungi on wood quality; a preliminary study - Geoffrey Daniel, Institutionen för skogens biomaterial och teknologi.
Forest Ecology and Management
- Fotografering och tolkning av Riksskogstaxeringens provytor för klassning av bränsletyper - Anders Granström, Department of Forest Ecology and Management.
- Studying the Dynamics of Forest Canopy Gaps a Part of an Early-Warning System of imminent Forest Damage - Arne Pommerening, Department of Forest Ecology and Management.
- Betydelsen av brandhårdhet och ett varmare klimat på föryngring av tall och gran - Marie-Charlotte Nilsson Hegethorn, Department of Forest Ecology and Management.
- Pilotprojekt - Utveckling av riskkartor för skogsskador / Development of risk maps for forest damage - Anneli Ågren, Department of Forest Ecology and Management.
- En samlad svensk databas för vegetationsbränder - Anders Granström, Department of Forest Ecology and Management.
Forest Economics
- Economic effects of moose damage - Peichen Gong, Department of Forest Economics.
- Value chain of timber prodcuts - Anders Roos, Department of Forest Economics.
- Perceptions of forest damage - Francisco Aguilar, Department of Forest Economics.
- Governance of forest damage - Camilla Widmark, Department of Forest Economics.
School for Forest Management
- Inventering av forskningsbehov för att kontrollera skadegörare i skogsplantskolor - Daniel Gräns, School for Forest Management.
- Kontroll av levermossa och rotpatogener i skogsplantskolor - Daniel Gräns, School for Forest Management.
Environmental Communication
- Scientific discourse on wildfires and perceptions of risk among Swedish forest owners and managers - Sara Holmgren, Division of Environmental Communication.
Forest Resource Management
- Sammanfatta kunskapsläget runt vilka skaderisker klimatförändringar för med sig på lång sikt - Jeanette Eggers, Department of Forest Resource Management.
- Hantering av risker i olika beslutsstödsystem i andra länder - Karin Öhman, Department of Forest Resource Management.
- Testa och validera stormriskindex i PlanVis - Karin Öhman, Department of Forest Resource Management.
- Overarching project to show the potential of mapping forest damage from remote sensing data - Eva Lindberg, Department of Forest Resource Management.
- Detection of spruce bark beetle infestations from remote sensing data - Huo Langning, Department of Forest Resource Management.
- Skattning och kartläggning av stormskador med radarfjärranalys - Johan Fransson, Department of Forest Resource Management.
- Riksskogstaxeringen/NRS; ungskogsinventering metodtester - Sören Wulff, Department of Forest Resource Management.
- Kan Riksskogstaxeringens ÄBIN-ytor utgöra en resurs för studier av hur skogsstillståndet utvecklas i förhållande till graden av älgbetesskador? - Jonas Fridman, Department of Forest Resource Management.
- Modellera olika typer av skogsskador simultant - Magnus Ekström, Department of Forest Resource Management.
- Forest Damage Database - a possibility for remote sensing applications - Henrik Persson & Eva Lindberg, Department of Forest Resource Management.
Southern Swedish Forest Research
- BarkBin: första steget i utvecklingen av ett nationellt övervakningsprogram för viltskada på bark i produktionsskogen - Annika Felton, Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre.
- Long-term monitoring of multispecies ungulate communities in reference areas - Annika Felton, Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre.
- SKOGSBRAND: forskning, övervakning och integrering i ett planerat Forest Damage Centre (FDC) för att bilda ett SLU-nätverk, genomföra workshops, och att identifiera behov och prioriterade insatsområden - Igor Drobyshev, Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre.
- Monitoring forest responses and recovery to catastrophic pathogen-induced tree loss - a resurvey of elm and ash forest stands after 30 years - Jörg Brunet & Adam Felton, Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre.
- Spread of larger fires in Sweden: what are the forest stand properties, which predict fire spread? (FireSpread-H) - Igor Drobyshev, Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre.
- Nanopore MinION sequencing as a new tool for rapid detection and identification of tree pathogens - Michelle Cleary, Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre.
- Forest damage in the perception of scientists – problem conceptualization, driving mechanisms and practical implications for the Swedish forestry - Vilis Brukas, Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre.
- Enabling Heureka model to generate random storm events - Narayanan Subramanian & Jorge Aldea, Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre.
- Electronic root rot detection adjusted for Scots pine - Iryna Matsiakh, Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre.
Plant Protection Biology
- Mixed-forest resilience for insect pests and biodiversity under climate change: effects of semiochemical and landscape diversity - Mattias Larsson , Department of Plant Protection Biology.
Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies
- Geografisk skala för samförvaltning älg-skog - Fredrik Widemo, Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies.
- Betydelsen av fodertillgång och betestryck i fält och buskskikt för skador - Fredrik Widemo, Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies.
- Betydelsen av vinter –och sommarbete för tillväxt av skog - Fredrik Widemo, Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies.
- Älgbetets påverkan på tillväxt och virkeskvalitet hos tall/ Långtidseffekter av betestryck på biomassa och virkeskvalitet - Tomas Nordfjell, Fredrik Widemo & Göran Ericsson, Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies.
- Validering av måltal inom samförvaltningen av klövvilt-tall - Fredrik Widemo, Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies.
- Rörelse och risk för betesskada från klövvilt / Predicting browsing risk by ungulates - Wiebke Neumann, Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies.
- Finansieringsbehov SLU-WRAM inom Skogsskadecentrum 2021 - Holger Dettki, Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies.
- Pilot- och utvecklingsprojekt Balanserade klövviltstammar - övervakning och analys av klövviltets inverkan på svenska skogsekosystem - Fredrik Widemo & Göran Ericsson, Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies.