Our aim
SLU Future One Health focuses on stimulating and supporting One Health research at SLU in the areas of animal and human health and welfare in sustainable ecosystems.
Vision and goals
SLU's vision: SLU plays a key role in the development of sustainable living, based on science and education.
SLU Future One Health is a strategic research platform that contributes to SLU's vision by strengthening the university's work towards a sustainable society. As an interactive interface between science and society within One Health, the interdisciplinary research platform SLU Future One Health contributes to the development of a sustainable society with health and well-being for humans and animals. The research platform brings together researchers from different disciplines and generates knowledge and scientifically based decision-making data for different actors in the society.
SLU Future One Health is a recognised platform for interdisciplinary research in the area of One Health and a natural focal point for internal and external stakeholders. The One Health perspective is central to the questions and areas in which the platform is active, i.e. the spread of infections and transmission of antimicrobial resistance between animals, humans and the environment, the development of lifestyle diseases, comparative medicine and the importance of animals and nature for human health.
The primary target group of the platform are researchers at SLU. Our activities are characterised by the strengthening of multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary methods and research across scientific disciplines and in collaboration with relevant stakeholders. Other stakeholders of interest are policy makers, other universities and research institutes.
SLU Future One Health:
- provides a natural interface between researchers and societal stakeholders
- stimulates interdisciplinary exchange of science based knowledge leading to research applications
- identifies knowledge gaps and generates scientific data that can lead to evidence-based policy briefs
- works with relevant stakeholders to identify future challenges
- communicates research findings and promotes research implementation.