Seed money to support One Health research proposals
The aim of the call is to support SLU researchers in transdisciplinary research proposals within One Health. Such proposals should take a holistic and innovative approach to complex One Health questions of major importance for future sustainable life, where collaboration across scientific disciplines is needed.
SLU Future One Health will fund activities such as pilot studies, feasibility studies, literature reviews, consortium meetings or consults (illustrators, communicators, mentoring) to improve project proposals to be submitted to Formas, VR, Forte, Horizon EU or other relevant funding bodies.
The funding must result in a transdisciplinary One Health (involving all the three aspects animal, human and environmental health) research proposal by the end of 2024. This proposal must involve more than one SLU faculty and include salary for SLU staff (preferably at PhD or post doc level).
Who can apply? The call is open to all SLU researchers
How much can you apply for? Up to 100,000 SEK
Deadline: April 24th 2023
How do you apply?
Fill out the application form and the SLU budget calculation template
Email these two documents together with CV (max 2 page or link to online CV) of all participants to no later than 24th of April 2023.
A (confidential) copy of a submitted research proposal (including the SLU registration number) with an SLU researcher as main applicant, meeting the requirements (at least 2 disciplines and all three One Health aspects) must be submitted to during 2024 or the funding must be repaid. The initial activity funded by SLU Future One Health will be presented on our website, in a format approved by the applicant.
The proposals will be evaluated by the platform steering group which includes representatives from all SLU faculties. Any conflict of interest within the steering group will be handled according to SLU guidelines.
Both the activity for which funding is sought (“activity”) and the conceptual outline of the planned transdisciplinary One Health proposal (“proposal”) will be assessed.
Only applications meeting the requirements listed in the call and with a clear link between the activity and the proposal will be evaluated.
Assessment criteria include:
• Feasibility and quality of the activity
• Scientific excellence of the proposal concept
• Potential for success of the proposal
For questions regarding the application, please contact: Susanna Sternberg Lewerin, Programme Director. Mail: Phone: +46 18 67 31 92
Welcome with your application!