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One Health network

SLU Future One Health collaborate and supports several networks, relevant within the One Health area. Here you can find links to their websites.

One Health Sweden

One Health Sweden is a network of researchers focusing on zoonotic infections and antibiotic resistance.

A circle with a cat head and human head, illustration.

Uppsala Diabetes Centrum (UDC)

UDC is a knowledge forum led and run by Uppsala University in collaboration with the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Together we shall prevent, improve treatment and minimise complications.

An elderly woman holds a cat in her arms. A blue line (going up and down) is in the background of the image and illustrates a blood sugar curve. Photo.

Swedish Centre for Nature Interpretation

- a meeting place, a centre for development and a competence resource for all nature interpreters in Sweden.

SLU-students at Excursion Fungi in Stadsskogen, Uppsala. Photo.

Uppsala Antibiotic Center (UAC)

UAC at Uppsala University bring together many research fields to stimulate and support research and education regarding antibiotic resistance. UAC support a PhD position at SLU and SLU is represented in their steering group.

Three people are standing at a round table. Photo.

SLU Committee for Global Animal Diseases

The Committee's mission is to strengthen research and increase involvement at SLU in the field of global infectious animal diseases, including antimicrobial resistance in food-producing animals.

A herd of cows in african landscape, photo.

Nordic Nature Health Hub

Our nature – providing thousands of opportunities! Nordic Nature Health Hub is a virtual Nordic toolkit for nature entrepreneurs and nature travelers.

People Walking in Forest. Photo.

Nordic Green Care Network

is a Nordic network of researchers focusing on how animals and nature affect the health and welfare of humans.

Woman cuddling with a horse, photo.

SLU Global

SLU Global supports SLU’s work for global development to contribute to Agenda 2030, with a focus on low-income countries.

Two men and a woman are standing and talking to each other high up on a rocky hill. They look out over a valley with mountains, the landscape is dry with some vegetation, it looks like it could be a country in Africa. Photo.

SLU Swedish Biodiversity Centre

The SLU Swedish Biodiversity Centre (CBM) provides new and innovative perspectives on the importance of biodiversity for people and communities.

Golden beetle sitting on a plant. Photo.


CLINF (Climate-change Effects on the Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases and the Associated Impacts on Northern Societies) is a Nordic Centre of Excellence that operates under the NordForsk Joint Initiative on Arctic Research.

Logotype CLINF

Coalition of Action 4 Soil Health (CA4SH)

The main objective of the CA4SH is to improve soil health globally. It is a multi-stakeholder partnership involving farmers organizations, NGOs, civil society, private sector, member states and research institutions, including SLU.

Two hands full of soil. Photo.


SLU is one of the members in PREZODE (Preventing ZOonotic Disease Emergence), an international initiative with the ambition to understand the risks of emergence of zoonotic infectious diseases, to develop and implement methods to improve prevention, early detection and resilience.

Deciduous forest, SLU Alnarp. Photo.


SLU Future One Health is a member of EcoHealth International. The Association’s mission is to strive for sustainable health of people, wildlife and ecosystems by promoting discovery, understanding and transdisciplinarity.

Rehabilitation garden at SLU in Alnarp. Photo.

Association for european life science universities

One Health is closely linked to several of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the UN for 2030. Association for European Life Science Universities (ICA) aim to promote health for people, animals and our environment. SLU's Rektor Maria Knutson Wedel is the President of the ICA.

Published: 10 May 2024 - Page editor: futureonehealth@slu.se