
A main function of the Centre is to enhance and facilitate scientific collaborations. This is achieved by maintaining state-of-the-art facilities in beekeeping and with our molecular laboratory, making us attractive research partners at an international level for large EU-wide impactful projects concerning honey bee health. The centre also provides opportunity for collaborating researchers, without necessary beekeeping infrastructure, to have access and explore topics within the field of honey bee research.
Read more on our collaborative research projects
Bridge between science and practice
One of our main goals is also to provide a bridge between science and practice, and research and beekeeping. The Centre supports collaborations between researchers and Swedish beekeeping associations to provide a mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge, opportunities for ambitious large-scale research projects, and to identify need-driven, applied researchable challenges. These collaborations are vital in achieving beneficial goals of mutual interest and to ultimately achieve our main goal to improve honey bee health and the sustainability of beekeeping in Sweden.
We have many collaborators
We interact with various beekeeping associations, organizations, and interest groups and authorities. Here are links to some of our collaborators (only in Swedish).
Sveriges Biodlares Riksförbund
Nationellt referenslaboratorium för bihälsa
We respond to general inquiries concerning honeybee health to provide expert scientific-based answers to these inquiries. We are also available for presentations on honey bees, bee health, our ongoing research, or other bee related topics.
General inquires