Plant protection material

Last changed: 09 May 2024
A flower with six petals with different photos: a spruce branch, tomatoes, rapeseed with a bee on it, laboratory equipment, a beetle and a lettuce plantation. Photo.

Here you can find material that presents SLU's plant protection research and other useful material.

Movie on plant protection

During autumn 2021, a movie on SLU's plant protection research was produced. The movie is 1:37 minutes and in English. (It has subtitles in English or Swedish).

Desktop background and posters

This illustration is available as a desktop background and as a poster for landscape or portrait printing. 

Illustration av växtskyddsforskningsområden på SLU. Illustration.

Photo archive

The Department of Plant Protection Biology has a photo archive with plant damages and plant damaging organisms.


Reports from Focus groups in plant protection

Five thematic collaboration groups, so-called focus groups, conducted a fruitful dialogue with stakeholders in specific, plant protection-related topics within SLU's previous Plant Protection Platform. Here are the final reports from 2019 where the knowledge situations are summarized and ideas for the future are developed. The reports are in Swedish but have English abstracts.


Katja Fedrowitz

Admin. coordinator SLU Forest Damage Centre
Coordinator SLU Plant Protection Network

Telefon: +46 018 67 21 96