Department of People and Society
PREPSOIL calls for good examples of soil education to increase interest in viable soils among children and young people. We are looking for educational, fun and creative examples of how to teach children and young people about soil! Can be practical, theoretical or artistic. Send in a short description and a few pictures (max. 1 A4), and you'll be in the competition.
Healthy soils are the basis for our food production, and thus for human life, so we need to take care of our soils. The European Commission has understood the importance of healthy soils and one of five Missions from the European Commission focuses on soil health, Soil Deal for Europe.
PREPSOIL is a project with funding from Horizon Europe and part of the project is about finding and spreading good examples of soil pedagogy in Italy, Norway, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and Sweden.
The activity can be carried out by teachers/organisations/municipalities or other actors, who do not charge the participants. The operation must have young people or children as its target group, aged 6-20. To be approved for this call, the activity must have soil or land as a theme and can be any form of:
We are not looking for books, films, games or the like, but activities carried out by teachers or another actor. However, a book, a film or a game can of course be part of such an activity.
We want to know how you teach and work with children and young people on this theme! Have you developed any kind of activity that you can think of to share and inspire others?
Submit a brief description. Describe what you do in text and preferably with pictures on a maximum of A4! However, do not use images where the people can be identified, because then we cannot publish them.
The winner and two others will be appointed, rewarded and recognized as good examples of soil education in the spring of 2023 and on World Soil Day on December 5 of the same year. Submit your good example by January 25th at the latest to us at the Swedish University of Agriculture, SLU. We also want information about
We look forward to your contribution by January 25, 2023!
Feel free to get in touch if you have questions, concerns or want to get in touch for any reason.
Christina Lundström and Jenny Höckert or 070-7743088