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About SLU Urban Futures

SLU Urban Futures is one of four Future Platforms at SLU charged with the mission to foster inter- and transdisciplinary ways of working as well as future-oriented teaching and research, across all SLU faculties.

SLU's Future Platforms

Forest, food, health and urban landscapes. SLU's Future Platforms stimulate cross-disciplinary efforts to create the best conditions for a sustainable, thriving and better world.

The Future Platforms and interdisciplinarity

Complex challenges require a range of solutions. One of the most important goals for the Future Platforms, is to develop interdisciplinary working methods at SLU by initiating and enabling collaboration across scientific disciplinary boundaries.

A person paragliding among white clouds. Photo.

Global network in ITD Alliance

SLU Urban Futures is one of the founding members of the Global Alliance for Inter- and Transdisciplinarity (ITD), with a mission to strengthen and promote the global capacity and the calibre of collaborative modes of boundary-crossing research and practice.

Logo ITD Alliance

Key terms and concepts

We have gathered a number of terms and concepts that are commonplace and central to SLU Urban Futures' operations.

Scrabble tiles.
Published: 04 July 2024 - Page editor: urbanfutures@slu.se