Helena Aronsson, Senior Lecturer and External Collaboration Specialist
Department of Soil and Environment, SLU, +46 18-67 24 66
Interested in knowing more about how SLU contributes to the Baltic Sea Science Center (BSSC)? Please get in touch with any of the persons listed below.
The exhibition gallery content and the activities at the Baltic Sea Science Center are developed by Skansen and a team of experts (Kunskapsrådet) from SLU, Stockholms University and Stockholm Vatten och Avfall.
The role of the experts in Kunskapsrådet is to guarantee the scientific quality of the exhibition, and that its content is in line with the current state of knowledge. The experts are also responsible for the cooperation and engagement in BSSC of other scientists in the subject area, as well as other relevant actors, both nationally and internationally.
Senior lecturer at the Department of Soil and Environment and external collaboration specialist in nutrient management.
Science editor at the Division of communication, SLU.
Researcher at the Department of Urban and Rural Development.
Researcher at the Department of Aquatic Resources, coordinator for SLU Waterforum and Vice Dean at the NJ Faculty at SLU.
Helena Aronsson, Senior Lecturer and External Collaboration Specialist
Department of Soil and Environment, SLU, +46 18-67 24 66