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Environmental Monitoring

Are we managing the environment in a sustainable way when it comes to water and aquatic ecosystems? SLU has an assignment from the government that is unique among Swedish universities: additional to education and research, SLU manages and implements Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (EMA). EMA delivers science based decision support needed to help us reach our environmental objectives, nationally as well as internationally.

We work in ten programmes

SLU's Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (EMA) meets society's need for decision support in ten programmes, linked to Sweden's national environmental objectives and international environmental cooperation. Each programme has one or two coordinators who act as contact points.

Several of the EMA programmes concern water and aquatic ecosystems:


Environmental monitoring with one of the world’s most modern research vessels

One of the world’s most modern research vessels is currently being built. The new ship will be brought into operation in 2019 and it will be able to perform virtually any kind of marine research and environmental monitoring.

Find statistics, biodiversity data and environmental data

Extensive databases and tools result from our environmental monitoring and assessment. A subset of those resources are available in English and on-line.

Published: 24 November 2023 - Page editor: water@slu.se