CBM Seminar Series

The idea of the CBM Seminar Series is to inspire an interdisciplinary discussion, aimed at both researchers and students with varying backgrounds. The seminars are held in the spring, and each occasion offers both a lecture and a discussion.
With the seminars, we want to stimulate an interesting interdisciplinary discussion that can move us forward. We hope that we will be able to highlight various contemporary environmental agendas, problematize them and learn more about why we think about and practice nature and nature conservation management in the way that we do.
Spring 2019
Ethics, species & the sixth mass extinction
The four seminars during the spring 2019 will focus on different aspects of environmental ethics and biological diversity.
Moral philosophy has traditionally been preoccupied with classical questions such as What should I do?, and What has value? Intuitively, the rapid extinction of species raise many ethical questions. Several of the traditional questions of moral philosophy will be applied to the accelerating extinction of species in the CBM Seminar Series during spring 2019.
The seminars are open for both researchers and students with different background. With these seminars, we aim to stimulate discussion on environmental ethical questions. The seminars consists of a shorter lecture, followed by a discussion where all perspectives are welcome!
Spring 2018:
Seminars in Historical Ecology: An Exciting Future for the Past
There will be four seminars in the spring of 2018, held at SLU campus Ultuna. The seminars will be held in English. Following publication of Issues and concepts in historical ecology - The Past and Future of Landscapes and Regions, (Crumley, Westin, Lennartsson eds.) the seminars will employ historical ecology as an arena for exploring transdisciplinary work.
The lectures are recorded and available here:
See the lecture by Mats Widgren here.
See the lecture by Per Lagerås here.
See the lectures by Jesper Larsson and Eva-Lotta Päiviö Sjaunja here.
See the lectures by Anneli Ekblom and John Ljungqvist here.
See the lecture by Ove Eriksson here.
CBM Seminar Series 2017:
Conseptualisations of nature
The first CBM seminar series in spring 2017 aimed to stimulate a discussion on concepts related to environmental policy and practice, such as ‘biodiversity’, ‘sustainable development’, ‘ecosystem services’, ‘landscape’ and even ‘nature’ itself.