CBM Seminar Series 2019

The four seminars during the spring 2019 will focus on different aspects of environmental ethics and biological diversity.
Moral philosophy has traditionally been preoccupied with classical questions such as What should I do?, and What has value? Intuitively, the rapid extinction of species raise many ethical questions. Several of the traditional questions of moral philosophy will be applied to the accelerating extinction of species in the CBM Seminar Series during spring 2019.
The seminars are open for both researchers and students with different background. With these seminars, we aim to stimulate discussion on environmental ethical questions. The seminars consists of a shorter lecture, followed by a discussion where all perspectives are welcome!
Time: 10-12 a.m.
Venues: See each seminar
February 28
Venue: lecture hall U
Partik Baard (SLU):
What is environmental ethics? A short overview
During this first seminar, Patrik will present, and invite discussion about, some central topics and themes in environmental ethics. Themes that will be briefly surveyed are the distinction between different environmental ethical theories, the role that intrinsic values play in providing direct reasons to act, and how one can proceed in systematic reasoning about ethical issues.
March, 21
Venue: lecture hall U
Markku Oksanen (University of Eastern Finland):
Biodiversity crisis and human(‘s) rights
Oksanen has a long track record of investigating ethical, and other, aspects of biodiversity, such as the moral value of biodiversity (Ambio, 1997), and in the anthology Philosophy and Biodiversity (2004). He will present a work in progress, tentatively entitled 'Biodiversity crisis and human('s) rights'.
April 25
Venue: room Skara
Helena Siipi (Turku University): Ethical aspects of assisted migration of endagered species
Siipi will present a published paper co-authored with Marko Ahteensuu on ethical aspects of assisted migration. Having read the paper is not required, but here is the reference if one is interested: Siipi, H., & Ahteensuu, M., 2016. Moral Relevance of Range and Naturalness in Assisted Migration, Environmental Values 25, 465-483
June 4
Venue: lecture hall Q
Karin Edvardsson Björnberg och Mikael Karlsson (KTH Royal Institute of Technology):
Ethical aspects of biodiversity off-setting
Edvardsson Björnberg and Karlsson will present an on-going research project concerning ethics in biodiversity off-setting.
More information will come. No preparations are necessary.