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NCP Slaughter and killing

SCAW is Sweden's national contact point for slaughter and other types of killing

Close-up on pig. Photo.

About the National contact point for the protection of animals at the time of slaughter

All Member States  of the European Union must designate a "national contact point" to provide independent scientific support and a network of experts for the protection of animals at the time of slaughter.

The Swedish government has decided that the Swedish Center for Animal Welfare (SCAW) at SLU will be Sweden's contact point for slaughter and other types of killing.

DISA - Education program on animal welfare at the time of slaughter and other types of killing

Here you will find infomation about and a link to DISA - Education program on animal welfare at the time of slaughter and other types of killing

Close-up on calves. Photo.

More material about slaughter an other types of killing

Here you will find more material about slaughter and other types of killing

Close-up of a cow. Photo.

More material from courses, meetings and seminars

Here you will find more material from courses, meetings and seminars

Lotta Berg is talking at SCAW:s 10 year anniversary. Photo.
Published: 10 June 2024 - Page editor: elin.spangenberg@slu.se