DISA - Education program on animal welfare at the time of slaughter and other types of killing

Last changed: 03 January 2025

Internet-based training material on slaughter and killing

Staff at slaugtherhouses that work with the slaughter of production animals and for those who handle live animals there is a requirement of accurate competence. The staff must be well trained and have insight into animal welfare.

The staff receive certificates of competence after training and examination and the authorities are obliged to ensure that such training is available. SLU has developed the factual content of an internet-based training material on slaughter and killing (DISA), which comprises 800 web pages with about 700 photographs and 150 videos.

The project group has consisted of Anne Algers, who initiated the project and was responsible for coordinating the work, as well as experts from SLU, SCAW, SLV, SVA, the Swedish Board of Agriculture and external experts.

DISA is an open material and accessible online

DISA is available as an "open educational resource". The material is available for anyone that wants to organize courses, for professionals who want to strengthen their skills and for others who are interested in animal welfare at slaughter.

DISA - Education in Animal Welfare In connection with Slaughter and other Killing.

The online teaching material DISA – animal welfare at slaughter and killing, which is available via SCAW´s website, is being updated and gradually moved to a new server. This will take some time, and no deadline has yet been fixed. We ask for your patience, and we are aware that some functions and links in the old material are out of order.
