Previous projects

Last changed: 03 January 2025
B rown hotse on green grass. Photo.

SCAW has previously participated in several projects and collaborations. You can find a short summary of them here.


HERMES is an ERASMUS+-project  dealing with the harmonisation of the mandatory education in laboratory animal science for those who work with laboratory animals within the EU. This project was a collaboration between SCAW and Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Abruzzo e Molise G. Caporale (IZSAM)Veterinary Continuous Education in Europe (VETCEE), Hellenic Agricultural Organization – DIMITRA, Universidad de Murcia, Istituto Superiore di Sanità samt Ud’Anet.

Extensive keeping of Gotland russ

There has been a lack of knowledge about how extensive keeping of horses affects their welfare. The aim of this project was to collect data on animal protection and animal welfare from extensively kept horses, in this case the Swedish breed Gotland russ. The goal was to gain knowledge about effects on horse welfare and biodiversity and under what circumstances it can be an appropriate alternative for keeping horses. The project was a collaboration between several departments at SLU, and SCAW os one part of the collaboration. 

SCAW:S part of the project was funded by Marie-Claire Cronstedts stiftelse.

For more information:

Gotland Russ for increased biodiversity | Externwebben (

Group housing of male mice

Aggressive behaviour in male mice is a common problem when group housing mice in laboratory animal facilities around the world. It is a complex problem and there is a great need for advice concerning housing male mice in groups for researchers as well as animal caretakers and members of animal ethics committees in Sweden.

The Swedish 3Rs Centre has, on assignment from the Swedish National Committee for the for the Protection of Animals used for Scientific Purposes, carried out a project about group housing of laboratoy mice and SCAW has been involved in the project group.  

Further reading: group-housing-male-mice-zidar-et-al-animals-2019-nr-9.pdf (

