SCAW:s 10 year anniversary

Last changed: 04 April 2024
SCAW 10 yesr logo. Illustration.

The Swedish Centre for Animal Welfare, SCAW, arranged a seminar the 8th of May 2019 to celebrate our 10 year anniversary.

You can see the presentations by clicking on the links below. You will learn what SCAW has achieved during a decade as the Swedish centre for animal welfare and what direction SCAW plan to take in the future. The program also offers lectures from prominent researchers within the field of animal welfare and politicians that have large influence on animal welfare issues in Sweden and the EU.

Click on the links below to see the presentations.


Monica Björklund -moderator -Senior Advisor Strategic Communications

Karin Holmgren -Vice-Chancellor, SLU

Rauni Niskanen -Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, SLU


Animal welfare in Sweden and SCAW:s importance

Helena Elofsson -Head of Animal Welfare, Swedish Board of Agriculture


National Contact Point Slaughter – dialogue

Lotta Berg - Professor, SCAW, SLU and Hans Agné - CEO, Swedish Meat Enterprises


Animals used for scientific purposes and the National Contact Point PARERE – dialogue 

Mats Sjöquist - Professor, SCAW, SLU and Michael Axelsson - Professor, University of Gothenburg


SCAW’s animal welfare collaborations within the EU context

Harry Blokhuis - Professor, SLU


Animal welfare: strengthening the sustainable development goals

Linda Keeling - Professor, SLU


Behavioral research in laboratory animals and the importance of ”Culture of Care” – dialogue

Erika Roman - Professor, SLU and Viveka Hillegart - Director SCAW, SLU


Development of animal welfare during the last decade from an EU perspective

Fredrick Federley - EU Parlamentarian


Development of animal welfare during the last decade from an EU perspective

Jytte Guteland - EU Parlamentarian


Culture of Care and competence in Laboratory Animal Science

Rafael Frias - Director of Laboratory Animal Science education, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm


Future strategy and conclusion

Viveka Hillegart -Director SCAW, SLU

