
Last changed: 16 May 2023

Felling activities, primarily cleaning,thinning and final felling affect a relatively small proportion of Sweden's forest area. Therefore a special sample is used in addition to permanent sample plots as the basis for the Swedish National Forest Inventory's statistics regarding fellings. This additional sample is significantly larger than the one used for area and volume estimates, but the sample plots are only studied if a felling activity has occured during the last felling season. It should be noted that the Swedish Forestry Agency is responsible for the offical statistics regarding felled volumes but as from 2022 the NFI felling statistics regarding volume as well as areas are considered official national statistics.

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The main part, 69%, of the fellings
are from final fellings

Felling volume, both in absolute terms and per hectare is highest in Götaland and lowest in northern Norrland. The felled volume for the period 2018/19–2022/23 was ca 93 million m³sk. Not unexpectedly final felling accounted for the largest share of the felled volume (69%). In terms of area thinning is the most common felling activity followed by cleaning and final felling.

Norway spruce represents 56% of the felled volume. This can be compared to Spruce's proportion of the total standing volume which is 40%. Scots pine represents 33% of the felled volume, slightly lower than its share of the standing volume (39%). The remaining felled volume is made up of broadleaved trees (11%).


Mean annual harvest. All landuse classes
Annual felling area by felling type by Year. Productive forestland

Mean age at the time of final felling. Productive forestland


About official statistics

SLU has been appointed by the Swedish government as responsible for the official statistics about the state and change of Swedens forests. Read more about SLU's official statistics. The Swedish Forest Agency is the responsible authority for felling statistics produced by SLU. As an authority responsible for official statistics SLU must make sure that:

  • All statistics are objective
  • All statistics are well documented
  • All statistics are quaility assured

Official statistics must be made available without cost and also be accessable in electronic form.

All official statistics must be clearly marked maked with Offiicial Statistics of Sweden or bear the following logotype:


Publication plan for official statistics

JO0801 - Skogsdata - current statistics about the Swedish forests
JO0802 - Area conditions
JO0803 - Standing volume and tree biomass
JO0804 - Annual volume increment
JO0805 - Vegetation and site conditions
JO0806 - Forest damage

Current publication dates are shown in Statistics Sweden's publication calender.